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I started playing Comp regularly in season 4, where I placed mid silver (1700 SR...


Mike Parker

I started playing Comp regularly in season 4, where I placed mid silver (1700 SR neighborhood.) for the next few seasons I stuck in silver and never got above 1900 SR. The last season saw me solo climb out of silver and into low gold with a 20xx SR. (I'd put actual SR values but I'm at work and can't check it).

I finished out my current season placements last night and got mid gold at 2233 SR, and played a few more matches and got up to 2327 SR. I'm really happy with the vast improvement.

Plot twist: one of the six stacks my group ran into after I finished placements was super cool and a lot of us ended up adding each other after the game, proof that comp isn't all salt, just mostly.

Miia Hatunen

That's awesome! I have found my comp teammates aswell, surely getting to gold this season because all of them are awesooooome good luck in your future games!

Ryuuichi Rekairu

I struggled last season to get back to plat and ginnished season in 2357 and thought game was lying for me when it placed me 273 sr's higher. I'm currently in 2737 with 92% win rate. Played just 15 games so...waiting luck turn

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