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I honestly think smurfs are the most toxic thing in this game. You're having an...


Harrie Rose

I honestly think smurfs are the most toxic thing in this game. You're having an amazing game with people your own skill level ect, then lose because somebody felt like griefing people who haven't played as long as you.

Your 100 percent accuracy on widow maker is not impressive if you're against people 4 leagues below you man.

Alanaroo Marinara Beraud

Played against a diamond widow and genji Smurf duo and wanted to die. (I'm low all. I accept that I'm bad. I'm ok with it. Just want golden guns. But it's annoying when I run into this duo a couple games in a row with nothing I can really do.)

Harrie Rose

I mean hell, I know it's QP and all but I feel like id let the team down if I went comp. So wins matter to me, if you get what I mean?

Artur Świątkowski

If somebody is on this topic I'll ask my question to all of you here - what should I do when around 170 level (don't play comp, bc I still don't have a mic) and would want to learn other characters that I suck at? I'm flex and try to fill tank or healer, so like 95% of time, even tho its qp and I could not care, but I'm not a little bitch. Is smurf account a good way out or just simply don't care about ppl bitching?

Harrie Rose

Then learn in QP with people of your own skill rating

Carolyn Jacob

Agreed. Why purposely break the system? That's like bragging about beating up a toddler. It's not impressive, it's abuse.

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