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I have some questions/concerns about comp. It sounds cheesy, but the whole reason I...

  • Thread starter Megan Elizabeth Brown
  • Start date

Megan Elizabeth Brown

I have some questions/concerns about comp.

It sounds cheesy, but the whole reason I got into gaming was because the only times I connected with my now deceased father were when I was watching him play raids and attend the holiday events in Vanilla WoW or something. I take it seriously. Not as seriously as some of the creeps you see in the community that take their misfortune out on others but I like to enjoy my games. My father died of lung cancer in 2013 and ever since, I've buried myself in World of Warcraft, Overwatch and any other video game that reminded me of him. It's the only thing that still ties me to him.
So when I enter a competitive match and I see 4-5 people lock DPS and THEN suggest we have a tank or healer, I get a bit peeved. I like a flexible player, or at least a dps that'll use their mic. You can't tank? Okay, can you heal? No? Can you at least play a dps hero that will benefit the team/map/objective?
I'm looking for a comp team. I am a Mercy Main (I am flexible though) I can D.VA and also depending on the Map, a good Pharah, Widow and Tracer.I placed gold this season although I do think I deserve higher. I placed 2402 sr after losing ALL of my pms. I'm asking how do I get a regular competitive team together and how do I keep myself from getting angry at these noobs?

Aadil Saqib

Are you on EU or US?

Danny Randall

Firstly sorry about your loss, my Dad died of a heart attack while watching my home team play so I support them because it also links me to my dad, best thing to do is make friends In the game itself that's what I did before quitting (then everyone deleted me ) I always played with 2 support mains and a tank main but I can play all roles but only with a few characters

Kaili Jennings

What platform?

And I'm sorry for your loss, but don't let anyone shame you for having it. If its what brings you comfort, then you owe no one an explanation as to why. I'm so glad you've found something that brings you that feeling

Roger Stoll

I'm a low bronz boi sadly but ya I'd love to form a bronze match league

Aaron Angeles

I can play with you, GrllzNoodles #1284. I'm very flexible too, looking for a ranked team actually. But most importantly I'm very sorry for your loss..

Vee-Kin Yap

Sorry to hear abt ur loss. If you're on PC, US server, lets try teaming up...

Maddie Kamui

once i get my new laptop we can play together

John Wright

There have to be people that you have worked well with at some point. I would add those people.
You can add me as well, I'm a tank main mostly, although I can play DPS or healer (as long as it isn't Mercy).
I'm on at odd times, but I'm usually up for a match.
Dinadan#1210 is my Bnet tag.

Jt Love Joyce

I'm down to play, I am low plat atm and I main Reaper and play every dps very well except doomfist and Genji, for tanks I play a really good And Winston, and I can play any support but am best with Ana, Sym, and Lucio.

Emily Puckett

Sorry for your loss, i hope your search is sucessful ❤

Jhonatan Remigio

I was gonna say you can add me but I'm on ps4
Sorry for your loss
Also try not to hold on too tight
I've never experienced anything supernatural but the more you hold on the more they stay
Sorry about that I thought it would be helpful I watch a lot of scary things ha
Happy Thanksgiving !

Zac Scott

my condolences, im not super amazing but i am highly flexible with characters and looking to get some standard level headed people to play with, im aussie but my sleep schedule is whack so i might be on same time, 1544 sr but thats thanks to last season, wildstylez#11662 is my tag

Angelo Ignacio

I already have a team, so, I can't really play with you but, it's nice hearing your story! It somehow raised my already high respect to Blizzard Games and seeing how it affects people's lives. Wish you find great teammates!

Carl Tice

I'm honestly moved by this post. Though, the advice I would give, is look at their history, and make suggestions.

Sergio Villa García

I got you added already Megan <33
but im silver trash tbh
Hope u find ur team tho <33

Yacine Odin

Dont get tilted because the chances that they have a team comp just as bad as yours are high.

James Forbes

I'm not too bad and I can fill most roles. Comp has been crap this week so I'm just under gold. I main Rein, Mercy and Soldier. Add me if you want. Raziel#12136

Yesenia Salazar

Um hi I've been wanting to form a team and haven't been on cause it's gotten boring to solo q , but I'm high plat and have gold accounts I could play with you on! I'm on PS4 so If you are too feel free to add me I'm usually pretty active MedicatedWaifu is one of my accounts if you wanna add it ! I also have WoW if you wanna play that my battle tag is Stonedwaifu#1170

Tuan Nguyen

After more than 800 hours on comp, I can tell you there’s literally no way.
And no, I’m not stuck in an elo hell either, I climbed to diamond and then stayed there for a few weeks just gaining steadily.
-> 400 SR loss, was I tilted during the sessions? No, but I still took hours to day to days breaks.
I even lost a game with one free round and the very last fight we had 3 early picks with me contributing 2 of those being nanoboosted as Winston trying to stagger them even more, and then the team got off the payload, ended the game with 3 golds including damage as Winston, I immediately uninstalled.
What I’m trying to say is, this game is pure RNG, there’s a reason you can still see very very good players in lower ranks and it’s not their fault at all.
I don’t think elo hell exist either, if you’re good enough you definitely can carry, but there’s a very fine line between carrying your team AND beating their team, and this isn’t specifically easy or even possible with Mercy players since they don’t win games, they just don’t lose it.
Don’t waste your time and energy nor resources considering this game seriously, I think this is the best game in existence right now, but it all became unenjoyable just seeing your work being destroyed over and over again.

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