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Hey Y'all! I made a long form post talking about how/why there should be an Overwatch...


Artemis Cephei

Hey Y'all!
I made a long form post talking about how/why there should be an Overwatch League Console Division.
Check it out, and add to it, if you think theres anything you have to say!
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I've also added the forum text below, for those who want to read and discuss here, in the group. I've shared this in one other PS4 Overwatch group, and I'm really interested in hearing feedback.


I’d love to see and compete in an overwatch console division. We need this to happen ASAP!

However I do understand that there are some major challenges for creating a console division. Below I list a few, alongside some counterpoints and fixes that might make a console division seem more viable.

There’s No Viewer Base for Console
When I speak to people, or read about this subject in forums, one thing people point to is that no one watches console streams, or console video creators. While I can’t confirm or deny that, because I can’t find stats for this - if it is true, it may be due to a catch 22.
Console content makers, will always lose out on the competitive star viewer base - because console content creators aren’t privy to the competitive scene.
If there were console competitive, you’d see more serious console players crop up - and you’d se a rise in people watching their content. Street Fighter has a huge console following. I mean… most of EVOs takes place on consoles. If you build it, they will come.

The Cross Platform Problem
Console isn't one thing. It’s two whole platforms that don’t work together. The players play in completely different pools of players The teams are on different consoles. It’s just kind of a mess.

But, there is a work around.

Have one console division, with PS4 and Xbox1 players. Teams can be all from the same console, or a mixture of the two.
All players switch between consoles, per set of matches.
Using a Cronus Max or Titan One styled hardware/software - players can use their favorite controller, no matter what console - so it feels the same for them.

Now, despite consoles being separate, they can still play together, and have a unified viewer base for Overwatch. Imagine watching those qualification tournaments!!

PC is More Relatable for Non Gaming Viewers
PC is relatable. Most people, including console gamers - own a PC.
Old people, young people, gamers and non gamers understand fast mouse swipes, and quick dextrous keyboard clicks. We get how tough it is.

But game culture is part of global society now. Most everyone has held a game controller, to play tetris, mario, pac man, etc. We get. My 60 year old mom gets it.

Can Console Tournaments Get Sponsors?
Sponsorships help pay for tourney expenses and gear.
Monitors, keyboards, mouses (mice), trackpads, headsets, fans, graphics cards, gaming chairs, etc are all part of the pro PC gamer experience. And the brands who make these things, sponsor tournaments, and make bank off of their names being publicized.

While most console gamers I know use a regular T.V., a phone headset, their couch, and their standard controller; some of us get REALLY into gear.
I use an ASUS monitor, with HyperX Cloud headset, my controller has KontrolFreek thumb extender. Hell, one of my friends uses a dope assed SCUF pads, and both of us use swivel chairs, rather than our bed/couch.

I think people would get better gear if they thought they even had a chance to compete. I’ll point again to the fighting game crowd. 4 of my closest friends who play fighters, have their own sticks. I almost bought some too.
Sponsors will come to an event that takes itself seriously. Blizzard would not have an issue securing, Scuf, Cronus Max, Titan ONE, Turtle Beach, Hyper X, KontrolFreek, Asus, Samsung, Sony, or Microsoft support.

Aim Assist/ Console Aiming Ruins The Game
Some people say that aim assist will ruin how people see console play. I can see their point, but I also disagree. Because of aim assist, certain characters and comps are more prevalent in console than on PC and vice versa. I like how much stronger, Torb is on console than PC. I think it would actually be more interesting for the community to see a larger pool of heroes that are viable in competitive settings.

I’ve also seen people say that they prefer watching the twitchy style aiming of mouse and keyboard. But some people prefer the smoother aiming of console, and find it easier to follow.

Graphically PC looks amazing … on ultra - but I have yet to see any tournaments play the game on ultra. Playing the game on my gf’s pc using settings for lowest latency performance, and on my ps4 side to side, with a monitor - the difference in fidelity is negligible.

Also having played on both PC and PS4, as a widow - I think it's WAYYYY easier to aim on PC, where I just point and click on a head. On PS4 I have to do this whole thumb swiveling acrobatics. It’s just a matter of preference, really.

Patches and Character Balances
Similar to the above point - some characters, strats and comps are stronger depending if you play on PC or console. I think a lot of people see this as an issue, because we look for advice on how to play, by gauging the highest levels of play. Often, the stuff you see can’t be replicated exactly, due to minor differences in character strength and player base.
But with a Pro Console Overwatch community, you’ll see the rise of separate Metas, as teams who are used to holding a controller, make big plays in ways that make since for their community. Balancing characters to play like their PC counterparts kind of isn’t always necessary.

PTR isn’t available on console, because of Microsoft, and Sony’s safety and Licensing rules. But that doesn’t matter, since most tournaments don’t even play updated patches.

Skill Cieling
Theres the idea that PC players can just do more because of their setup, and it leads to more watchable moments. It’s true that with more intricate tools, you CAN do more. However, some of the best moments we’ve seen in competitive overwatch recently weren’t from mechanical skill alone. We’ve seen HUGE strategic plays from South Korea, playing characters that don’t require swivel scope accuracy.
Perhaps the PC division is the one people would love watching for accuracy and tracking - but realize the biggest strengths to watch in Console division is synergy strategy and tactics.

Prize Money and Salaries
An entire extra division means paying a bunch more people.
However, and entire extra division means having a bunch more people invested in your ESport. So many people I know, dismissively write off the idea of watching overwatch e-sports, once they ask me “Oh wow! Can I play and get there too?” and I say no. We’re all playing the same game, but we’re not playing the same game; and it turns people off. If people felt represented, if there was a chance that they could see a friend, or a streamer they like, or a familiar name, competing in the event - they’d be more interested in buying tickets to an event. They’d be another viewer, streaming the tournament live. They’d be another person sharing the crazy play that went down. and that creates a larger more lucrative base.

The Bottom Line
While I definitely see a series of obstacles in the way of a console division for the overwatch tournaments - I also see a huge untapped potential for the fans, and Blizzard to truly enjoy what overwatch has to offer. All of us want to play this game. Some of us really get into the interplay, and strategy, and teamwork - but don’t have an outlet. Let us play! Let us watch these awesome players. Console Overwatch players deserve a division as well.

Hey y’all, please list some other hurdles you think might stand in the way of an Overwatch Console division. But also, list some of the work arounds, or counterpoints to those hurdles. Lets see if we can help lay out an easy path, to make Console Division plausible for Overwatch Devs.

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