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Hey looking to buy some trident z ram for my ryzen pc. If I buy the 3000mhz instead of...


Hunter Barnes

Hey looking to buy some trident z ram for my ryzen pc. If I buy the 3000mhz instead of the 3200mhz ram can I just over clock it to 3200? Like are they the same thing and ones just clocked lower or are they like binned/locked

Cody Dorsey

No. The advertised speed is the max speed. If you buy 3000mhz, trying to push it to 3200 will make you blue screen.

Richard Savoy

You won't notice 200 mhz at all. No one can.

Kaze Lim Vincent

If u r using ryzen and want to get 3200mhz without problem u need the 3200mhz cl14 kits (samsung b-die chips). If u got like those 3200mhz cl16 kits (hynix chips) u are not even guaranteed to run @ 3200mhz not to mention those 3000mhz kits.

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