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Hey guys! I know there's been a little drama today in here so I wanted to address a...


Kelly Sophia

Hey guys!

I know there's been a little drama today in here so I wanted to address a few things. This will be a little long.

First of all, this is a really big group. All of the admins and mods try our best to keep things clean and enforce our rules as fairly and evenly as possible. Unfortunately, we're not omniscient and not perfect so we miss things. With a group so big, it's infeasible for us to keep approved posting on all the time because then all your posts get backed up if no one is available for a bit. It's also not possible for us to constantly be scrolling through the group and refreshing to catch every little thing. I know it's frustrating to see things that break the rules, especially if you've had a post deleted in the past. But I promise, it is not purposeful or personal. We rely on you guys a lot to help us out with keeping the community the best is can be. You can report a post to us by clicking the three dots in the upper right corner of any post and clicking "report to admin" if you believe it breaks the rules. I've included a photo of that. You can also always tag us in anything.

All that said, we also do our best to clearly express the rules. Sometimes things get a little muddled and we might not express the full nuance of things. We're still human. Sometimes we have new rules and need to find a balance of how best to enforce them as fairly as possible and need a little patience while we work that out. None of our rules are for no reason, and no enforcing of rules is EVER personal against you guys. We're just doing our best to keep the community fun and not spammy or too repetitive. All the admins like to have fun and shitpost here and there but we genuinely care about the rules and the community.

We don't get paid, we're here because we care. Because we wanna build something beautiful and great, as toxic as the OW community can be. We're here because we love it, love building this community, love growing, learning to b better, we love this game and the people who play it. And we couldn't do it without you guys.

Tara Marrero


Kelly Sophia

Even if you guys don't wanna read the entire post, I get it, but tl;dr please report rule breaking things to us!!! Photo shows how!!

Kelly Sophia

I took, like, 5 minutes in Krita to edit that reaper into there and everything for you guys

Rune Aneirin

Just wanted to point out a friend of mine reported posts that she found that violated the rules, and y'all kicked her for it. Sure it was a lot of posts, but if you're missing that many posts then there's something wrong. There is also a "search this group" thing that you can use to help you keep the group clean. It let's you type in keywords to filter out all the posts that don't fit the word. Probably gonna get kicked too for mentioning this and for being her friend.

Zachery BigBow


Logan Morris

if you guys ever need an enforcer let me know. like little moderator minions lol. I'm on all the time and I have a record of enforcing rules in other groups =3

Courtney Antonov

the drama fest earlier was started by an admin ><

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