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Hello Overwatch community! Names Brandon F. This time ill share my experience in COMP....


Brandon Foley

Hello Overwatch community! Names Brandon F. This time ill share my experience in COMP. Last night.....RIGHT!? The map i was in was "Watchpoint" 30 seconds in the match, im on my headset, "Hey guys, whats up!?" This dude responded "SHUT UP MOTHERFUCKER, SHIT!" Hmmmm ok this is an awesome start! A little short while this guys know 1v6? Ok ill expanded. So, this dude was playing Reinhardt. You know his charge? He would go in there.....ALONE. That. I would say "We need to stay as a team. What you doing dude?" He would repond, "Im better than everyone here. IM IN PLAT!" This is a team game. We support each other as a team. So he would just go on about that. Later the whole team is aruging with this dude. Like, who gives a shit haha. *PHONE WAS RINGING SORRY" I was playing Junkrat. I used my ult, and went toward like 3 players and killed them. We needed that fersure. Dude went back on mic and said "Same old shit play. Easy kills" Boi hush haha im trying to help the team here! At the end, we lost. But, his shit personality/attitude is why we lost the game. Cant do anything. Im curious. Share your stories! Thank you....WAIT REALLY QUICK! Want to clear the air. I am not deaf. I am hearing! *used voice* Hey guys! I can hear! Im not deaf. SUPRISE! So? Why do i sign and not talk? Cause i want to share Sign language with you all! I want to show my skill to the overwatch community around the globe. So, just want to clarify haha Anyways, see you guys later.

Caven Holton

This is awesome lol; i wish more people who could sign came out of the wood works; I may not be very good at directly signing with people but I've always found it interesting- sometimes that takes a lot of courage; congrats!

Ana Arteaga

Omg you make me want to learn sign language so bad! This is amazing. It could seriously come in handy one day.

Raimone Gresham

That’s really dope of you man. I’m not hearing impaired but I’m sure a few out there appreciate it.

Auden Ryan Lewis

having a shitty teammate really can lose a game they just make everyone else frustrated.

aside from that though, im really glad you use sign language in here. as someone with a mild Deafness, its cool to see other people here using asl. its something that made me super nervous going into ow especially comp because sometimes i had such a hard time hearing people talk or hearing voicelines that indicated ults and whatnot and it made ow frustrating for a while

Leah Zolik

Always love seeing your vods and sign language! Tests me every time.. I learned sign language because I used to work at a store front on a beach where a small deaf group would come in and have ice cream! Next summer rolls in here they are and man, did I have tons to say- in signing of course!
I have a few smurfs I don’t mind dusting off for play if you’re down! Feel free to add me, kohaku#11496 ✨

Verity Harris

I’m very slowly trying to learn
I’m saving up to try and get a course but can’t decent on BSL or ASL

Sunny Hernandez

Thank you for choosing to use asl! I’m hearing as well but i love asl.
i like that you make these videos bc i love overwatch sm and you’re putting the two very things I enjoy together!

Giancarlo Paniccia

People like you make our community better.

Chris Andreas


Loo Sarango

All the tapping noises made it feel like asmr , first post that didn't make me wanna leave again thanks

Vincent Olivarez

I can't stand little bitches like that.

Jeff O'neill

100% that guy had to have been trolling. Like wtf who talks shit about a teammate killing half the team?

Stephanie Vetter

My first language was sign language because my mom was deaf! It’s wonderful to see deaf players also enjoying this game and don’t let the negativity bring you down.

Peter Gomez

my brother is deaf so its interesting to see videos like this, and i appreciate that you're not just doing it to grow a stream or something

Sierra Kalbaugh

Wow youre such an amazing person! I love how youre bringing diversity into the Overwatch community in your own way. It is very admirable. As for your shitty luck with teammates, instaban them

Sofia Syed

I’m so happy you are familiar with deaf culture community, my mom is deaf and I too sign. This is always refreshing to see and very humble of you. Thank you for that! Need more people like you!

Alfonso Silva

Helllo Martín shkreli

Hayden Wukong Rae

Steven Cabal Kit Kathy Rodewald

Landon Moreno

I’m sorry I had to

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