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Hello friends. I am here to talk about Doomfist and the buff needed for him. Let...


Cody Burdick

He doesn't need a buff. He just needs his bugs fixed and he will be fine.

Walter Steven Paul

My thoughts:

Remap his primary fire to reload with a button press versus over time

He's super weak healthwise, even when his abilities aren't on cooldown. Take away his shields and increase health by 25%

Increase move speed by 5-10%

Gus McCrizzle

Fix the bugs and widen his rocket punch hitbox by a little bit and he'll be absolutely fine. In his current form I'm still ghost punching people and honestly that shouldn't be happening. I get that it's hitbox was ridiculous before and I'm not asking for it to be that size again, just a little bit wider than the end of a needle and that'd be great.

Jordan Hermes Smart

He's buggy, but doesn't need a buff

JeanPaul Badjo

I made a post about this a few days ago. But it was long.

Hey everyone Doomfist is my favorite character in the game and I am currently trying to play well enough with him to use him in Master level games but as he stands I see that there are some very serious flaws with his design.

So typically if you play Doomfist well, his rocket punch isnt his primary way of killing. Typically an engagement goes like this "Seismic slam, shoot, uppercut shoot, rocket punch to retreat".

With this combo you can kill anyone who has 250 hp or less in one go. However, you you miss ANY part of this you will have to retreat, or you will be killed, or stranded in the middle of a battle field with NO way of attacking or escaping (while being a HUGE target). And I mean NOTHING. Except for a shot gun that regenerates ONE bullet ever .75 seconds that doesnt work at range. Also this combo is alot harder to do in the middle of battle where almost anything can happen. It sounds easy on paper but there are factors effecting this.

This is not an easy thing to pull off consistently. I understand the high risk high reward concept of Doomfist and I like it. I also like that you have to string together combos, but this isnt a high reward.

You have to string together a combo to kill a squishy character and if you miss ANY part of it you die.

Possible fixes:

1 more bullet in shotgun: FAR too many times when stringing in a combo and something goes wrong or the character has more than 250 hp I am ONE shot away from killing them. So often I think I can make a montage. One more bullet would be great.

Faster reloads: I think the .75 seconds to reload EACH bullet is just so bad. I would LOVE it if they brought it down to .5 per bullet. Im not talking about attack speed. Just bullet reload. This will allow for us to attack more frequently and at least do something if something goes wrong instead of just running around waiting for our cooldowns.

Cooldowns reduced to 4 or 5 seconds: This will allow us to have different combos and attack more frequently also allowing us to generate more shield (because at it stands, his shield generation is useless because if anything goes wrong he is instantly killed whether he has a shield or not. And it will SLIGHTLY increase the margin of error in his combos, and give him different options for escaping. I wouldnt even mind if the cooldown for rocket punch was increased to 5 if the others could be decreased to 5.

I think the 2 second faster cooldowns wont make him op because when using his combos you have to use then in succesison like in a second. I think this will serve as a way to get out after engaging.

Because currently, his shield does nothing. NOTHING. I would even go as far as to say that they could get rid of his shield and give him the faster cooldown so he can escape. If they want to make him a high risk high reward glass cannon, they should go all the way and not just throw in a shield that doesnt help anything. Make him have to get in and get out.

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