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Has anyone else found their main(s) on total accident? After a bunch of game where no...


Kyle Davis

Has anyone else found their main(s) on total accident? After a bunch of game where no one else picked healers, I realized how well I do in that role, specifically Mercy and Lucio.

Phil Worrall

I flex so much I no longer have a main

Jan-Philipp Gertz

I started playing pharah just to piss my mate off. It worked so i kept playing her and now she's my best hero

Yosawaris Phanak

Is this counted?? I see mei cute so i started playing her and now she's somehow my main

Ντέα Ζοτάι

I once picked mei just to point out how annoying it is to build an ice wall when the game begins. Landed some headshots tho and I fell in love with her.

Brian VanSickle Jr.

Yes. McCree. The only time I ever used him before was on accuracy practice warmups on the practice range before I start actually playing for the day. I just never really enjoyed using him. I started playing in Beta. Up until last week, I only had 2 hours on McCree overall. I tried him out for a quick match last week. Was on fire for 96% of the match and 77% kill participation or something like that. So, I figured "what the heck" and tried him in comp. Same results. He's now my 2nd dps main behind Tracer.

I have 12 hours on him now and climbing. Idk I just never thought I'd enjoy such an immobile dps, but I love getting those headshots and concussion-headshot kills.

A similar thing happened to me healing with Ana as well.

Ayoo Ojitos

Actually yes. Lmao I like playing dps (big surprise) and who ever I played, I ended up making a friend that Main them (76, Tracer, Genji, Reaper), and one of my friends absolutely hates Hanzo, so I just started playing him.

Aleida Niamh McCluskey

Hanzo and mei. Both really surprised me as I have nerve damage in my right/mouse arm so aim is an issue for me. However it seems like years as sniper in tf2 has its benefits. Meanwhile mei was like ??? Who needs aim when they're frozen, right?

Collin Knuckey

I started playing Reinhardt in comp and magically I was really good.

Michael Trompert

Half, I like playing support, so I kind of grew attached to Lucio

Charity Smith

Our team needed a healer, so I tried out Mercy and loved her ❤ now I'm branching out to try and get another healer main (I'd say support in general, but I also play the soul sucking Sym) that I can do well as, and trying to find my one true tank and dps main (probably either Pharah or Sombra for dps, and Oris or D.Va for tank)

Lara Vermilion Pashalek

Mercy was the second toon I got a legendary skin for when I started playing. Obviously, I had to use it right away and the rest was history~

Rehab Nour Hussen

Well I main Soldier. I rarely pick healer but when I tried Zenyatta I did so great. I don't play him alot but when I do, I am top500 xD

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