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Genuinely curious. There has to be people in this group who do this. Why tf do you...


Luke Schirmer

Because they're too angry to care at that point. Anger is temporary insanity. It makes you do dumb shit

Kaili Jennings

I've never left by choice , but my fiancé did once.
It was a way outmatched game, and with people hwe had randomly matched up with earlier, 3 stack, all three snipers.
She left and took the hit so the match canceled

But I've been kicked out by a random server error once, then it wouldn't let me rejoin

Ben Cawdron

Some people just have shifty internet, so in my opinion, shouldn't be in comp in the first place.
But I've always wondered about the others too.

April Christine Thompson

I left once back in like season 3 and I did it because annoying mother fuckers were being toxic over the mic

“So you wanna bitch and bitch about our team and/or my gameplay then I’m out”

That was back then tho. Now Instead of leaving, I’ll hop on the mic and fight with the toxic person

I also did it once in season 4 because i was grouped up and I wasn’t able to leave the group and cancel the search before we got put into another comp game. But it was beginning of the match and the game was cancelled .
it was either play the comp game or be late for work. And overwatch just isn’t that important.

Sam Walker

I left a game once by accident and felt bad. I left one on purpose cos they were just toxic moaning throwers so I was like "bye".

Nina Magou

Dude yesterday I had the worst game of my life. A duo instalocked 2 dps and 2 other ppl in my team instalocked dps too. I asked the duo if they could switch and one of them started swearing and literally switched from junk to hanzo and fed the enemy team ults. Near the end of the game (needless to say we lost pretty badly) they left. I don't understand these people...

Lexi Ariel

To be honest my internet kicks me sometimes and people in comp think I'm just throwing or some shit. How about instead of thinking everyone is leaving just because they're throwers, how about thinking it's the internet connection? Because that seems to be a thing that anyone who plays overwatch just CANNOT IMAGINE HAPPENING. I get a lot of shit for it.

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