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For the People saying oh Moira doesn't need balancing Genji mains or squishy flank...


Kevin Caruncho

For the People saying oh Moira doesn't need balancing Genji mains or squishy flank mains should stop dive 1v1ing her wanna know something then? WE ARENT TRYING TO 1v1 a Moira SHE 1v1 DIVES US THATS Why I think that Moira's long range beam should be nerfed in terms of range cuz SHE CAN SNIPE YA ACROSS THE MAP THIS IS WORSE THAN A WM1 PYRO IN TF2 she is a support not a DPS if ur saying oh then how can She defend herself against widows then just use her orb AND SHE IS SUPPOSE TO HAVE COUNTERS NOT OVERPOWER EVERY SINGLE PERSON heck of u had a good Moira she can 2v1 TANKS

P.S for the ppl RN commenting git Gud too cliche for u to say all I want u to know is HER BEAM RANGE IS OP AND WHEN UR FLANKING SHE NEEDS TO AIM IN UR GENERAL DIRECTIONS she can literally CHASE U UNTIL U DIE

Antonija Paušak

genji main detected

Kevin Caruncho


Marwan A. Shorman

So genji main

Mathieu Berger-Latour

Oh no, I'm getting killed by a Support Hero. This shouldn't be happening... Please nerf her Blizzard

Vynyl Shiro

If Moira is diving you then that Moira is bad. If you're dying to said Moira, then you too are bad.

Christian Lockwood

Maybe if you’re getting countered you should consider uhhh idk, switching?

Marwan A. Shorman

At first i really hated moira
But she is anti-genji hero
Let those genji main who targets healers and snipers suffer at her hands

LaRon Pounds

As a Moira main a genji trying me is always the funniest you can’t double jump from me! Or reflect the long range attack because they always try for some reason

Ignacio A. Pedraza

No. She doesn’t need a nerf.

Matt Mcallister

Deflect her ball and retreat if you can’t combo finish her

Genji Shimada

This is coming from a high diamond Genji main. Dude, If she is diving you, communicate with your supports and tanks to dive her back. What are you doing NOT punishing her horrible positining. She's wasted her fade to get to you, has no escape mechanic and has left her team vulnerable as she is a main healer trying to go for a kill. You have so many movement mechanics to engage and disengage.

She does not need a nerf. She is fine. The range is supposed to help her bring her healing bar back up. If you are constantly being harassed by a Moira, you need to work it out with your team how to deal with her. Yes, she punishes Tracer and Genji a lot but Genji and Tracer can easily exit that battle by using their mobility.

There are many times where I've killed a Moira in a 1v1 Situation. They are the most cocky players. Deflect their damage orb and head-shot dash combo into them.

What is the issue, I don't understand? This is just you that needs to learn who you can engage by yourself or who you cannot. Its the same with Winston. You can choose to engage him but he is your literal counter, you can win the 1v1 if you are smart. All it comes down to is how you utilize your own mechanics against her own.

Ikce Toutcourt

The Moira you are describing in my elo have DEFEATED written in large red letters in their screen.

MacKenzie Rae

Dying at 'snipe ya across the map'

Luis Miguel Roman

I guess he expects to win every 1v1... nerf Winston next....

Tudor Alexandru

For the People saying oh Moira doesn't need balancing Genji mains or squishy flank mains should stop dive 1v1ing her wanna know something then? WE ARENT TRYING TO 1v1 a Moira SHE 1v1 DIVES US THATS Why I think that Moira's long range beam should be nerfed in terms of range cuz SHE CAN SNIPE YA ACROSS THE MAP THIS IS WORSE THAN A WM1 PYRO IN TF2 she is a support not a DPS if ur saying oh then how can She defend herself against widows then just use her orb AND SHE IS SUPPOSE TO HAVE COUNTERS NOT OVERPOWER EVERY SINGLE PERSON heck of u had a good Moira she can 2v1 TANKS

P.S for the ppl RN commenting git Gud too cliche for u to say all I want u to know is HER BEAM RANGE IS OP AND WHEN UR FLANKING SHE NEEDS TO AIM IN UR GENERAL DIRECTIONS she can literally CHASE U UNTIL U DIE

Nathan Haslam

I am a Moira main and I don't know what her range is exactly (metre wise) so maybe it does need to be decreased maybe it doesn't.

People are complaining that "her range is too much", "how are you supposed to kill her?" I die all the time, just like everyone else. Most of the kills I get are because that hero has already been weakened by a teammate and it is very rare that I get a kill from just 1v1 someone.

Any potg I get are usually from me ulting, killing a few of the other team and then healing my team. I don't know what it's like with other Moira mains but I attack and heal because that's what you do in this game.

People only started complaining about her range after the Mercy nerf and when they need someone to complain about.

Matt Bubp

If you have two tanks and a Moira 1v2s you, you are the problem lol

Harrie Rose

Can you dps mains stop trying to take EVERY fucking support we have away

Anthony Vargas

But seriously tho. Just practice and get better. Those who complain about changes happening all the time will do nothing but complain and add on to the toxic community xP this just gives you more reason to practice.

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