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Final Fantasy 14: Where to Find Long-Tailed Armadillos and Learn Schiltron (Blue Mage)

Keith Stawarz

New Member
The release of Final Fantasy 14 patch 6.45 heralds a series of updates for the game's quirky blue mage class, including new spells, quests, and an increased level cap. Blue mages earn spells by conquering specific enemies in in-game encounters, a mechanic that harks back to the famous blue mages from previous Final Fantasy games. Players can prepare enough Final Fantasy XIV Gil in the game.

Patch 6.45 introduced 20 new spells for blue mages to discover, increasing the total number of spells the class can learn to 124, though they can only have 24 equipped at any given time. Blue Mage players must determine the best choice from their available spells and abilities to defeat unique single-player content, including the challenging Masked Carnival. This guide teaches Blue Mage how to learn the Schiltron, a powerful new counter ability from Final Fantasy XIV.

How to Learn Schiltron in Final Fantasy XIV

The Schiltron is a new addition to the Blue Mage's tank arsenal in patch 6.45. The one-star spell grants the Blue Mage the ability to automatically counterattack whenever an enemy deals physical damage. The potency of this ability is greatly increased when Blue Mage is affected by Aether Mimicry: Tank, making it an excellent ability to generate hostility.

Schiltron is the 107th spell of the Blue Mage's 124 spells. Unlike many other blue mage spells, which often require completing quests or defeating enemies in more challenging encounters, Schiltron can be unlocked by defeating a fairly simple world enemy: the long-tailed armadillo, a newly added enemy. These orcish creatures can be found at the southernmost tip of Amh Araeng, a vast desert region of Norvrandt in the Southern Hills of Amber.

Players must learn Schiltron before proceeding with the new Blue Mage quest series added in 6.45.

where to find long tailed armadillos

To reach Amh Araeng and Amber South Mountain to find the Long-Tailed Armadillo, the fastest route is to teleport to Aetheryte in Twine, then head directly south.

Players will eventually reach Ladle, a location players may remember from Shadowbringers' main quest "Trolley Puzzle." Here, several long-tailed armadillos can be found near the coordinates (X: 15.2, Y: 30.8, Z: 0.5). The aggressive long-tailed armadillo is level 77 and can pose a threat to lower level blue mages, who may find it helpful to bring along some allies to defeat these creatures.

FFXIV Long-tailed Armadillo

Note that for a blue mage to receive a spell from a creature, the creature must use the spell at least once before being defeated. Therefore, players must wait for the Long-tailed Armadillo to cast Shiron at least once before defeating the monster to ensure they can learn the spell. Enemies use Schiltron when their health is low. For more game guides, please visit
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