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Switch Does anyone have any tips for tower control in Splatoon? I am truly terrible at it. If...


Jimmy Barton

Does anyone have any tips for tower control in Splatoon? I am truly terrible at it. If I was on your team last night I apologise

Cesare Sidd

1 man on the tower, no more (unless you are in time +).
Superjump NEVER on the tower, safer behind it.
It's really recommended to have 1 companion to stay behind (sniper?) to allow safe superjumps and to prevent a team wipe.
Blaster and stickbombs do fine in this mode

Nathan Zielesch

i use the first bucket and hangback... keep throwing suction bombs on the tower.... build up tenta missiles and make em run

Zachary Goodwin

Sloshers and blasters work well for clearing enemies from the tower due to their wide area of effect. I tend to use a roller though to launch vertical waves of ink in case they don't hide behind the pole, then swim up and smash them.

Brandon Cook

I had some really bad luck on tower control last night xD 3 games in a row were over in a minute or less each xD as above though I tend to use a roller for the vertical flicks, unfortuately my teams last night seemed outranked by far, so my usual strategy was completely failing

Raul Martinez-Orozco

Something with a Kraken as special… oh wait! ;) The tips above are good. Think first about the role you want to play: are you going for the tower or are you supporting the player on the tower? Depending on this is your choice of weapon/sub/special. For example, if you’re going to ride the tower a Blaster with Suction bombs or Ink mines works well to clear it before you jump on it and to shoot down, else a weapon with a fast-shooting ratio which works well as defense in such a small space. Try things out and give yourself time to find what suits your gameplay style, good luck!

Luis Burgos

Abuse trislosher and blasters. Barely need any effort to get kills with those weapons. Have 1 person snipe. And a rapid fire shooter. Any one you're good with. if you're good at flanking, Octobrush. ONLY if you're confident with it. This is basically just League advice tho. For Ranked, you're gonna have to be one of these roles and hope your team has a similar idea.

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