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PC Does anyone else panic alot when people randomly join their fire team? I am like I AM...


Kiyoko Mori

Does anyone else panic alot when people randomly join their fire team? I am like I AM NOT AN ABLE TO ADULT... I AM NOT DOING THE THINGS ... WHHHHHY?! WHY ARE YOU HERE!?

Donnie Evans

No lol. By random people do you mean random people from your clan? I hate when I'm in a discord chat doing Raid, and some random from the discord group joins the chat and starts talking like "what's up". Like bruh can u not see we're trying to coordinate here

Danny Caldwell

Yea I think it is polite to wisper first. I love to solo a bit for atmospheric , and uninvited is just rude.

Luis Fernando Peña Moreno

No, i'm Smart enough to set as friends only, or use a low light level gear so no one wants to be near me

Nick Gordon

I can tell you right now i enjoy when somone joins. A few times i was soloing the horoic adventures and random clan mate joined and helped me finish

Evelyn Guesser Ascenço

I love when people join randomly on my fire team. It gives me a chance to boot them without feeling any guilt

Jeff Burdette

You can set it to where people can only join your team via invite.

Evelyn Guesser Ascenço

I always have my fireteam to friends and clan only. And if my friends don’t have the decency to ask first, they will get booted. With a polite message following (really polite, I swear!), but they’ll get booted all the same.

Jeff Burdette

I mean honestly I wouldn't get mad if I didn't have the decency to check first before just hopping in

Chris Nihilson

i have the opposite problem. i have my Fireteam join-settings set to Public and NO ONE joins. I also tell every one on Discord that if they ever need a Titan's touch (smash?) to just invite me and ill be down for anything; adventures, Nightfall, Strikes, even a Raid...I'm never too busy to not do something that takes multiple people to complete....BUT NO ONE CALLS ON ME T.T

btag: Mar#1458 NA east coast, but i work third shift so i play in EST mornings and afternoons, so if youre West Coast, dont be shy! hmu

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