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PC Destiny 2 is first up on this list. I would LOVE it if Bungie just gave up on trying...


Ed McGlone

Destiny 2 is first up on this list. I would LOVE it if Bungie just gave up on trying to make PvP so perfectly balanced, and instead, embraced competitions between top clans to who dominate raids better. It could be having groups all start at the same time at some kind of event to speed run, or point scoring like it was in prison of elders, that kind of stuff. That would be way more entertaining to watch IMO than scout team kills in PvP over and over.

Luis Fernando Peña Moreno

PvEsport? Destiny? Srsly?

Nate Green

ew. no lol

Jesse Dahlström

Is it April or what? What tf is this? I would stop playing right away. Haven't seen scouts in pvp for a while.. And pvp is in balance right now, actually, but balance is not what people are crying about so that's pretty misleading. Article writer is a real egghead

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