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Can someone please explain to me how this new CTF mod works?? Every time I get the...


Madison O'shea

Can someone please explain to me how this new CTF mod works??

Every time I get the flag I instantly drop it when I move??

Brandon Culley

Movement abilities drop the flag. Winston leap, sombra invisible, tracer blink etc

Jonathan Carreño Llaguno


Syed Muhammad Danish Bukhari

So you're the person in my team who always blinks after getting the flag.

Evelyn Fazzingo

Madison O'shea
1 day ago
Hi everyone,

The Lunar New Year 2018 festivities are in full swing which means Capture the Flag is back in action and even sports a brand-new competitive mode. We’ve taken last year’s feedback and made several updates to the game mode so it’s more fun than ever.

Flag pickup is instant
Flag cannot be picked up for 5 seconds after dropped
Flag return is 4 seconds
Flag return does not stop when taking damage
Match length is 8 minutes
After scoring, the flag takes 15 seconds to respawn
Restricted abilities drop the flag (specific hero skills)

Our biggest change is defining a new category of restricted abilities. Abilities that drop the flag encourage more teamwork to win which should ultimately make matches more exciting.

Doomfist’s Meteor Strike, Seismic Slam, Rising Uppercut, Rocket Punch
Genji’s Swift Strike
Pharah’s Jump Jet, Concussive Blast’s recoil (when used on yourself)
Reaper’s Shadowstep, Wraith Form
Soldier: 76’s Sprint
Sombra’s Stealth, Translocator
Tracer’s Blink, Recall
Junkrat’s Concussion Mine (when used on yourself)
Mei’s Cryo-freeze
Widowmaker’s Grappling Hook
D.Va’s Boosters, Self-Destruct (D.Va will also drop the flag if her mech is destroyed)
Reinhardt’s Charge
Winston’s Jump Pack, Primal Rage
Lucio’s Amp It Up, Crossfade’s speed boost
Mercy’s Valkyrie, Guardian Angel
Moira’s Fade, Coalescence
Zenyatta’s Transcendence

Last year, Capture the Flag matches could end in a draw which we felt could make the energy of the match fall flat. To that point we’ve added Sudden Death which should make games gripping to the last second.

Matches no longer end in a draw
When time runs out, a new round is started and flags are moved closer to the center of the map
The first team to score wins

In addition to the game play changes, we’ve polished the ambiance of the brawl with touches including special music that plays when you carry the flag, team-colored flag status messages, and more. We hope you enjoy these changes and have a happy Lunar New Year!

Jane Caldwell

Though I don't play her often, Pharah can fly with it, the normal flying movement. But if you do the jump into the air ability she will drop it

Renzo Dekimpe

Why don't people watch the developer updates ? Jeff Kaplan has explained himself that any movement of invincibility ability will drop the flag. I see sooooo many people just trying to use dive to get fast away with the flag only to drop the flag and try again -_- i honestly don't get it

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