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Blizzard hero balance meetings: Steve: so we’ve been getting a lot of feedback from...

  • Thread starter Walter Greenwood
  • Start date

Walter Greenwood

Blizzard hero balance meetings:

Steve: so we’ve been getting a lot of feedback from the community and apparently they think this hero needs to be changed.

Bob: okay so how about we make very minor changes over a short period of time until people are satisfied w...

Steve: NO we have to completely rework every hero that we touch.

Bob: but won’t that make the heroes unbalanced?

Steve: nah it’s fine

Jonathan Cuevas

Geoff Goodman: i had an all-night drinking binge every night for the past week, let's do some balancing.

And that's how Blizzard balances their games when Geoff Goodman is involved.

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