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Blizzard during the development of Overwatch: "Ok guys, we have these 2 heroes who...


Kaan Bilge

Blizzard during the development of Overwatch:

"Ok guys, we have these 2 heroes who are flankers. We must make sure that they can survive flank attempts so let's give them 10% faster base movement speed, lots of mobility and utility skills that increase their survivability."

"Yes, they should be able to fight on their own while in the backlines. I mean what's the point of being a flanker if you can't do that? We're giving tons of bonuses to these guys for solo survival. Like deflecting bullets, crazy speed & jumps, teleportation, wall climb and health refill. Other heroes are a lot more effective while they're with their team and they're at a huge disadvantage when flanking. To balance this, it should be the opposite for the flankers, they're good at flanking but when they're with their team... Well... Wait a second... When they're in a team fight... Oh..."

"We fucked up. We gave these two heroes tons of bonuses so they can take care of their own but as a result, they became superior heroes. For example, McCree or Junkrat can be very useful when they stay with their team but Genji and Tracer can perform much better in BOTH team fights & flanks. Great job..."

"This is not like choosing between an assault rifle and a grenade launcher. This is like choosing between an assault rifle and another assault rifle with a grenade launcher attachment which have the same price. Even if you have no plans for blowing things up, you'd still pick the one with the attachment because it can do the other weapon's job and more."

Change my mind.

Tyler Ross

Easy, when I hook a Genji or Tracer as Hog it's game over. I can't one shot a Junkrat.

Sebastian Tichenor

im just here to make sure you stay alive

Joseph Menor

All of these are statements. What do you mean "change my mind"?

Miguel Angel Opazo Arancibia

Not really wrong actually, but the point is that not playing them as flankers make it feel like you are completely wasting their potential.

Plus, their strengh lies at short range. They are not that useful in most encounters because they become truly good only once it becomes a brawl, and you DON'T want the fight to become a brawl.

Michael Lu

Tracer is squishy af, and genji is practically defenseless without his deflect. Sure, they're a problem maybe for lower ranks, but upper ranks people know how to protect their healers from the flankers

Luke Schirmer

Are you suggesting that Tracer is supposed to frontline like a Soldier?

Tyler Clay

So what you're saying is you think Genji and Tracer are OP in comparison to the rest of their class? I think you're in the minority there.

Aaron Hamilton

Something does need to be done about dive meta, but i think winston is a bigger problem than genji and tracer

Dinis Pedroso

Genji already had a bunch of counters but now God bless Tracers are fucked

Rohan Thorat

U seem to be a tank main who likes to stand on choke an let the dps do everything

Steven Hendrickson

That novel boils down to "Oh no I have to aim, this character type is unbalanced!" There's no changing any mind here, you're already pretty dead set

Steven Hendrickson

I mean, would it change your mind to point out that flankers die very quickly during CC thus cancelling out any unbalanced mobility or deflect abilities?

Michael S. Myth

bridgette counters them both. the solution just isnt in competitive yet.

Mason Barnes

Kaan, the flankers are characters that have a higher skill floor and ceiling, making them very good in the hands of good players, and useless in the hands of a novice. It’s all about risk and reward.

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