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Because I almost only see people getting hate for their plays, I might switch it up a...


Michael Trompert

Because I almost only see people getting hate for their plays, I might switch it up a bit since we’re close to Christmas anyway xD

A couple of days ago, I went into QP and just fooled around a bit. My team wasn’t really cooperating on defense Route 66 and I knew we were gonna lose anyway.

Soo, this Tracer showed up and for some reason, we just couldn’t kill each other. Eventually, I gave up and apparently, so did she.

We just ran around, spamming voicelines, sprays and emotes far from the Payload.

When I finally got killed by one of the other enemies, I decided to give it my all and keep the point. And somehow, that Tracer and I just kept fighting, but not each other.

Point being; not everybody is toxic, and sometimes, being a pacifist can turn your regular experience into something brand new!

Happy Holidays everybody =)

Brandon Neilshine

I keep seeing these messages. are they from consoles?

Andre Uva

One time (on mystery heroes I think) we were in a match, also on route 66, I died here and there, and when spectating my team I noticed one of my teammates was passively hanging out with and enemy Mercy or Tracer, I saw it a couple times but didn't put much thought to it, till finally I decided I wanted my team mate's head in the game, using Rein, I swept around the corner and charged killed the enemy, me and my teammate looked at each other, I moves my screen left to right as if shaking my head and left to help the team, just thought I'd share

Dyego Juan

And your team lost because you were hanging out with tracer and avoiding her. hahahha Loved the story though

Andre Uva

There was also a time I was playing quick play, I choose Sym in hopes of trolling people with the teleporter (I know, I know, shame on me, but it was just quick play and I was vary board, keep reading and you might forgive me) during the first few couple seconds of the match the enemy Winston saw me, I died (I don't remember weather it was him or not) and he messaged me "will you help me get the achievement?" I knew he was talking about the turret achievement, I replied with "imma try" considering the whole reason I was there was JUST to screw around I figured "sure, why not?" He met me at spawn, I placed turrets, he destroyed them, he went off the help his team and messaged me, "thx" I then responded with "no prob" at this point the feeling of helping someone made me feel soft and I decided to contribute to the team, and we won, again, just thought I'd share

Assaf Vaqnin

That's cute af

Brandon Culley

Oh, there's a team fight going on?

Alex Scwaken

i met a cooler widow than me in qp but her aim was kind of off :0
she asked if im a smurf, i said no
we met in the King's Row, which its kind of nice :00
we interacted a lil bit and hitting each other uwu

Alanah Allen-Croswell

I love the internet sometimes

Megan Parry

I made friends with multiple people in total mayhem today. A McCree, a Genji and a Winston XD

Aaron Clarke

I played three games in a row with this guy once and we were having fun and making jokes and shit talking. The fourth game we got put on opposite teams.
We didn't touch each other but we both were on fire half the game. It was one of the most fun moments I had playing OW.

Sheri Galvin

I find that it's mostly tracers, genjis and mcrees that are friendly enough to not murder your ass when you spam hello at them in pure desperation to not get killed and make one friend that will only interact with you once

Tiana Higgins

Lol i love when this happens ❤

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