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Xbox One Anyone looking to join a decent lag free server pve during week PvP from 8pm Friday to...


David-Wayne Fox

Anyone looking to join a decent lag free server pve during week PvP from 8pm Friday to midnight Sundays with only 2 friendly helpfull admins to prevent admin abuse but keep things inline.. we do have a shop with pricelust on our page and I will start holding events in the near future as well for tribes to take part in and win some amazing prizes.. if your interested join our page and show your interested so we can get you in. We currently have around 15 players on most of the time and would like a few more to make events and general gameplay even better for all

Christopher David Roberson

Whats the current population?

David-Wayne Fox

Around a average of 15 most of the time it can vary on time of day

Shannan Markadonis

Whats the map?

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