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Xbox One Any boosted aberration servers


CeeJay Pafc Wright

Any boosted aberration servers

Jordan Lyne

Rag & Ab cluster

10x Harvest
50x Tame
50x Maturing
50x Hatch

Insta lvl 300

Starters if you need one

Group Page: JPsArk420 - Nitrado Cluster

Ashley Gipson

Come join The Hive, not only server hosts but a gaming community too.
PvE Cross-Cluster including all maps
Prim+ PvP on Ragnarok
Prim+ PvE also on Ragnarok
(free Quetz for tribe of 5 or more that join a hive server)
We also have 2 PvP clusters to reccomend, hosted by our partners D2K and Red vs Blue
Weekly Events
Real Life Prizes
Gaming nights, tournaments, leagues and competitions.
Epic Mature Community
Come Join us!
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Discord : ask for fresh link :)

- 24/7 Nitrado Hosted Ark Server
- PvE Cross Cluster
- Optional Roleplay
- Currency System
- Weekly Events
- Real Life raffles, competitions and prizes
- 6x Gather, Taming and Xp
- 16x Hatching and Maturing (+100% imprints are possible)
- Boosted stats + Settings

Players get the following per level;
Health = 20, Stamina = 20, Oxygen = 200, Food = 30,
Water = 30, Weight = 50, Melee = 10, Movement = 6, Fortitude = 8.

- Dinos have increased weight and minor tweaks to balance.
- 30x Crop Growth, decay resistance etc
- It’s a Democracy, the community votes on any changes
- No clip (you can build into terrain etc)
- Platform turrets (you can place turrets on Quetzs etc)
- Increased platform build limit
- Cave flying allowed
- 1x Cave Damage instead of 6x
- Up to level 255 Dinos
- Double Loot/Fishing/Crafting
- No trolling, kiting or going into other players bases uninvited
(1 strike rule, you will be wiped and banned)

- No Land grabbing, pillaring, foundation spam

- Only 1 large base per tribe, a small outpost elsewhere on the map is okay.

- No Artifact, High resource, Cave or player blocking/building (don’t build on another tribes doorstep)

- All gas veins, oil wells and sap taps etc must be unlocked.

- Taming Traps and pens must also be unlocked. Clean up after yourself, no need for lots of them in one area

- No whining, whinging, moaning or begging

- Be respectful, treat others how you want to be treated, this includes the admins. We are a mature gaming community; we don’t have time for childish bickering or drama. Just have fun gaming!

- Firm but very fair admins

- If any issues occur which are out of your hands, such as dinos randomly dying or being stuck in a glitch please record a video so an admin can replace anything you have lost. Anyone found abusing this generosity will be kicked. The same goes for any grievances with players constantly trolling or insured starter pack dinos dying, evidence is needed to take action or replace.

John Pearce

SuperLottoMax Abb Rag Center pvp cluster super boosted drops! Lev 600wilds 100 player levels GunMatter! Every drop is BOOSTED AF pic is one green drop

Mike Bullock

Dinos go up to 225 wild PvP-Lite
Rag + Island + Abb + LOOT RAID

No Passive Killing/Wiping

225 Wilds +Guns Matter
Abb Spawns

Free Tek Engrams
Custom Drops
6x15x25 Gather-XP-Tame
++Structure Resist
FAST Breeding
10x Dmg Dodo’s
No Leeds +⛵2x Rafts
PvE City (The Island)

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Search arkhost

Zach Campbell


Ryan VanPelt


John Andrew Buchanan

Arklands PvP cluster.

Tanicia Miller


Brittany Sikorski

For more information message Jo hill on Facebook

Alan A Reynolds

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Mira Warner

If your 18 plus our group has PvE Vanilla Island, Ragnorok and Abberation. As well as Primitive Plus Center

All of our info is located in our description

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Ross Dutcher

Ark Survival Evolved Xbox one [US] PC unofficial sessions

Server names:
[HDAC] rag. 24/7 PVP Boosted
[HDAC] Abb. 24/7 PVP Boosted
[HDAC] Isl. 24/7 PVP Boosted

Happy Days Ark cluster includes the aberration, Ragnarock, and island maps which you can openly explore and travel between using drops, obelisks or tek transmitters we've scattered across the maps. Our servers are 24/7 PVP and have slightly boosted harvest rates, taming rates, and player stats. Our settings reflect our mission to create a server where the well established rule and the trolls are beaten out. It is easier to build and harder to raid, but not impossible, so strong defenses are still important. Exp is only slightly boosted but at lvl 100 all tek unlocks and w/ the addition of aberration, powering tek is no longer an issue. There are two admins Dutch the Tyrant of Wu-Tang clan (GT: Dutch830) and Apollo of Black Watch (GT: Apollo Ace 89). Admins are not PVP tribes however we have built a modest CC, mainly used for races, arena battles, and gun fights. We host events for prizes and gear and element often, and have an admin shop where element can be exchanged for Dino paints, costumes, Dinos, and more. Good luck out there survivors, I hope to see u in game!

Harvest rates and settings: Soon to come! We just have to copy them down

1. We don't talk about fight club
2. We DONT talk about fight club

Community Center: (Rag) Lat:18 Lon:32

Auston DK Clendenin-Maiers

Trifecta server cluster

Joe Pellegrino

Hello all!

Anyone out there looking for a new server? Come join our slightly boosted unofficial pc servers!

PvE - Server name: Dookie island
Map: Ragnarok

PvP - Server name: Dookie island 2
Map: Aberration (Just started mid February)

(Xbox & PC)

PvP - Server name: Dookie island 2
Map: Aberration
Just started mid February, no help on this one, good luck!

PvE - Server name: Dookie island
Map: Ragnarok
All new committed players will get some items to start with and a dino of their choice level 150, excluding gigas & wyverns.
If you start at Jungle 2, there is a safe house and safe dino pen to use till you get set up, has some supplies and its near the blue obelisk.
When you get on ask for admins for some help if you want, you can add Griffinator233 and or DriftoMunkee gamer tag.

We have a store/trading center at Lat 50 Lon 51. It has free use of almost all crafting stations for your convenience, and almost everything for sale and trade from primitive to custom Apprentice items, includes selling dinos, and cloning dinos Etc. Pricing or trade value depends on what you're looking for. When your in-game and set up, contact admins for Dookie island store service!

It is a peaceful server but we like to have fun we are starting to do planed boat battles for fun (ask on the server chat for build details). We like to all get together and do caves and tames sometimes, and boss fights soon. Everyone on there is very helpful and will be more the happy to help get you started.

Hope to see you soon!

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