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Ana needs a cane that she can use as a climbing axe so she can actually get to sniping...

  • Thread starter Ashley Skye-Michelle Hill
  • Start date

Ashley Skye-Michelle Hill

Ana needs a cane that she can use as a climbing axe so she can actually get to sniping high ground.

It takes way too long in the middle of a fight to disengage, take the stairs, brew some damn tea while she's at it, and finally get into position. You either gotta setup way before hand or just stay on the ground in awful sniping spots.

Espen Chai Wei Zhe

The cane can also be her second ult, beating people to death. Does 300 health of DMG, goes thru shields and meis cryo and ice wall

Donny Juan

I think mccree needs to fly, think about it, when an enemy soldier is behind a reinshield you literally cant hit him. so just give him a fly ability that lets hin fly over the shield, flashbang and fth into the soldiers face while beeing midair.

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