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alright everyone. I need some help here. ive been gaming on a crappy alienware laptop...


Dylan Blair

alright everyone. I need some help here. ive been gaming on a crappy alienware laptop for the past 3 years and its starting to just not keep up with games. i need some ideas or parts list for a decent mid grade pc. all the builds i try to invision are over my budget not by much but its up there. if anyone can provide a parts list for a budget of $1000 that would be awesome.
All of you have an amazing day.

Willy Devereux

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Examples of ideas

Ghassen Alibi

to start with, what do you have: do you have a case, a monitor, peripherals (mouse, keyboard,headset....). that will narrow it down so we can help.

James Luckhurst

This is how you ask someone to help. There's grammar, punctuation, criteria and you can tell genuine effort has been put into this post. ADMIN FUCKING APPROVED
Take note all you "Build me a $500 rig. GO!" shitheads

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