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Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Mod Adds Skyward Sword's Earth Temple Dungeon


Staff member
And now we want full dungeons in BotW 2.

Despite it being well over two years old, we still find ourselves stumbling across
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stories on a near-daily basis. Sometimes it's a new speedrunning technique, sometimes it's a completely undiscovered area, and sometimes it's a case of passionate fans modding the game to include whole new features.

Falling into that latter category is this particular video below from modder
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, which shows off a mod that adds
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's Earth Temple Dungeon into the new game. If you're a keen fan of the series, it might initially feel a little odd seeing the new Breath of the Wild Link running around in such a memorable location from Skyward Sword, but the whole thing looks like it was meant to be there.

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