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Would anyone like to play with me on the PS4? I live in Western Australia so 90% of...


Ethan Leigh

Would anyone like to play with me on the PS4? I live in Western Australia so 90% of the time I'm matched up with people from India? Or the Middle East? I don't know I never ask because they don't speak English which leaves my games to be quite boring and I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall ‍♂

I play a lot of Comp but I'm down for anything as long as I can play with some cool people
I'm always on mic and I like to talk!
I main ana, winston and mercy in that order
I am currently plat and my season high is 2793
My PSN is Lord_Aamin so feel free to send me an invite or friend request, see you out there little heroes ! ☺⭐

(Cute ana pic to get your attention )

Rob Fontaine

I would but im not sober nuff fo dis

Filiip Gradečak

Try to play on EU server, feels like talking to omnic robots

Eren Pax

You can add me and send me an invite whenever I'm active!
I'm a bit shy but I'll get used to it eventually
My user is FightMeSweetie :3

Angila Plasencia

You can add me as well. I'm on during the day Pacific standard time. :) I'm shy but will talk if need be. :) I main Lucio and Zarya. My username is KneeDeepInDoots.

Rodolfo Almaguer

Omfg that pic is so wholesome

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