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Wondering if someone can enlighten me. New to competitive. Basically, I won a game,...


Ari Ray

Wondering if someone can enlighten me. New to competitive. Basically, I won a game, got 60 points, Lost the next, Lost 50 points, Won the next won and only gained 30 ish points. Why is that? So I basically won 2:1 games and lost points?

Can someone maybe explain how the point system works?

Chris Johnson

Nobody knows. Not even the developers lol

Steven Lo

Since you're new to competitive the mmr is narrowing down on your skill range, even after placements you will have big swings in sr ranges.

Chris Colon

You won = +60
Loss = -50
2nd win = +30

Total = +40 .

Simple maths

Chris Colon

You didnt LOSE points if you went 2:1

Mihnea Gogu

The first few matchrs you'll gain a lot and lose a lot

Jitu Pardhi

I think it's based on your opponent's rank. Assuming you got paired with people worth 10 points each. And the next game you won was against people with lower rank, so they were worth 5 points each.

Arina Grebneva

Even blizzard don’t know how the point system works

Dan Wells

Dont sweat it, first matches itll swing wildly then itll be between 20-30 pretty much all the time

Cornelia Klefelt

Basically people can end up in a higher or lower rank than they deserve, then it's up to the system to make sure you get to where you belong. For example you might place in gold and then win one game with medals and stuff and gain 50sr and then when you face people of that rating next game and don't perform well you might loose all of that again. So if you won one game and then lost the system might think you deserve to be lower rank, so when you win again you don't gain as much. This is why loosing streaks are so dangerous and win streaks are life So basically it's not just based on win/loss but on how you personally perform in your role, as well as previous games.
Also I do think the system is a bit unsure at times, one time I lost 50sr then gained 70 the next win... Was almost like the game said "oh shit yeah you just had a bad run that's OK".

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