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Xbox One Why is it those who are apparently good but use smurfs decide to fuck over other...

  • Thread starter Joseph Grabianowski
  • Start date

Joseph Grabianowski

Why is it those who are apparently good but use smurfs decide to fuck over other players. It’s ridiculous and uncalled for.

Oswald Austin

Because their not good and this is their 30th smurf that got carried through the placements because thanks to gold sharing on a xbox you can have 5000000+ different accounts on the same Xbox and only need to pay for gold and the game one time. Allowing for a thick forest to hide the trolls in

Oswald Austin

Prefer players and ask for screen shots of overbuff and oversumo (oversumo kinda sucks for 99.99% of everything, but you will see their last 5 games trend so you'll know if they've been getting carried or actually krillin it

Dominique Tarzan Edwards

People smurf to play with lower sr friends or to practice other heroes they dont main in comp.

Joey Rafael Quiles

I’m a masters tank main and I want to learn dps so I smurf because realistically I’m not a masters dps anyways. I always want to continue learning how to play. Always want to get better. Smurfs help. Plus sometimes its nice not to sweat every game

Robbie Stucrew

I smurf so I can play with my lower ranked friends. Also so that I can practice heroes that I'm not as good with at my elo

Donny OG MallGod Diamond

I don't smurf because I'm not a pussy and don't care about me elo. Niggas care so much about there appearance to other players. That's why they smurf. They want to look good at all times when a majority are just too trash to get wins at "their" elo.

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