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PS4 What's your funniest moment while raiding someone's base? Mine has to be when they...


Patrick Nikolic

What's your funniest moment while raiding someone's base? Mine has to be when they opened their gates and I sneaked in and killed their adolescent wyvern....and another time I hid in the bushes and somehow he couldn't see me. If he swung his weapon he would have hit me. But didn't see me

Thomas Wood

First time using a rocket launcher an broke blew me an tribe mate up. Then did same thing with c4 on same base didnt know blast radius lmao

Michael Swarts

I was a lvl 15 ish character (very squishy) and our tribe was getting hit by the alpha because one of us fell into their taming boat a few times and they got pissed. I crawled in past their 2 spinos and 5 or 6 dudes and hit the wolf the were taming till it was almost dead

Rhylee Wolter

Tribe mate blew open a Dino gate and all these ovis' chased him down and nearly killed him whilst everyone was laughing at him

John Newman

A mate of mine completely forgot about turrets blowing rockets up and got our boat and all of us blown to shit

Spencer Pearson

bunch of neutral wyverns flying at u with gigas waiting to munch lol

Manny O Cruz

Raiding a base for iron and owners come behind me and say "can I help you?" Looked and saw they were low lvls and noobs. So I stabbed then and ran xD

Michael Chef Rivera

I was actually defending my base "only one on at the time" they were sitting there killing our brontos next too our gate, I opened gate hit their wyvern with fire arrows he looked at me and flew his wyvern towards the door I opened. I closed it and he was trapped in the gate and I sat there just shooting flame arrows at him while his buddy's were panicking too get c4 2 blow the gate , they got back and the wyvern and guy was dead

Michael Chef Rivera

I blew in someone's base before from above and got stuck in this room with a fabricator and chest , believe it or not I crafted enough c4 with their own materials too escape

Lisa Basinger

I was noobing around on SE and I usually dump into melee damage at first. I made my self a torch and was gathering berrys while my husband talked to this other noob. Well this other noob tries to stab me in the back with his pickaxe. I beat him to death with a torch while my husband stood near by laughing at him. XD

Louise Walker

my boyfriend stuck c4 to me so when i walked into a base id blow it up sneaky fucker

Jon Holmes

Sneaking up to a guy on wyvern and clubbing him of the we all piked it to death

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