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What up people! I actually started thinking about a thing you guys rarely talk about...

  • Thread starter Johan Pervo Ekstrand
  • Start date

Johan Pervo Ekstrand

What up people! I actually started thinking about a thing you guys rarely talk about that would benefit others!

What are your old/new in game tactics? Do you play around healthpacks. Do you come up with strategies with a pre set up team? Do you combo your ult with others? Do you fight only to take out healers and then dps ?
What do you as a player solo/duo/full team really do to achieve victory?

And what part do you play? Are you the one taking orders giving them? Call out master?
What are you?!
Time to help eachother and new players for real!

Miia Hatunen


Johan Pervo Ekstrand

For me personally it's about what character I am. For instance. When I'm junkrat I almost all of the time use one of my granedes as a jump pad. First I jump in behind enemy lines. Close to a healthpacks and starts bombarding their frontline by doing this I force the tanks to turn around leaving their backs vurnerable for my team. Once I got all the attention I want I fire a what's left of my nades. After that I usually run to the closest healthpacks (aims to always land near the large ones) by also landing near the large ones I make myself able to be healed all by myself throughout this halfsuicidal attack strategy. Once I've healed myself I usually have 2 nades again I use on to jump straight into the enemy frontline (still behind them chased by dosera) in order to land on a tank and shot gun my way to glory. Once I'm about to die I again use the mines to jump back to my team.
This whole strategy takes about 10-30 seconds every time and i die 4/10times. Effectivity however are inconsistent depending on what map it is.
Hope some one will try this out and if you mail it I wish you a fun time playing junkrat! Remember to watch your cooldowns!

Johan Pervo Ekstrand

Excuse my English by the way not my native tongue so to speak

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