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What are your thoughts on how Brigitte is going to affect the meta? There's a...

  • Thread starter Jordan Hermes Smart
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Jordan Hermes Smart

What are your thoughts on how Brigitte is going to affect the meta?

There's a certain pro out there that says Brigitte takes no skill, and she's unhealthy for the game.

I think the opposite, she takes co-ordination with non-dive heroes to shut down a dive.

Honestly, people complain that dive is an horrible meta, but when Blizzard does something that is supposed to serve as a counter to Dive, all of a sudden, it's "unhealthy"

Giancarlo Wade

I'm just happy we have a designated Winston cucker because, as a Widowmaker main, I hate that stupid gorilla. I will be playing her to get my revenge for all the Winstons who attempted and the few who have succeeded in making matches hell for me. She also seems to be a super fun support hero who's different from any other support we have.

That aside, I don't think she takes much skill to play. Mechanically, she's easy and her skills are on such short cooldowns. Like literally every single other support, she requires some level of coordination to be played to her maximum potential, but with here paladin-like kit, I think she will fare pretty well without a super coordinated team. I don't think she's OP, just that she needs a little tuning.

Aubrey Wilson

How she affects the meta is purely dependent on how people choose to utilize her kit. Blizzard has trouble making heroes for a specific purpose and its to the community to decide what a heroes purpose is in the meta through playing the character

Riley Talbot

I feel kinda bad for xQc sometimes cause he gets hit with so much hate but I guess he's got it coming, he is pretty toxic

Aries Viera

My opinion is that with the addition of two viable healers that can do damage on top of the rest of the healers that do damage ( basically everyone but mercy) team comps will begin to vary more widely allowing for more unique set ups.

People won't feel as obligated to always need a mercy since there are a plethora of other ways to get healed and the era of rez has effectively ended.

Brendon Alexander

LMFAO! A Pro says Brigitte takes no skill? I bet that Pro uses broken characters like Reaper, Tracer, or Genji, character that ACTUALLY take no skill(if they did, they wouldn't be in every match). I hope Brigitte changes the meta. That shield bash seems like the perfect counter for spam-happy Doomfists, and Genji, and Reaper, and TONS of other broken bs in the game.

I especially hope Brigitte changes the OWL meta. I know Pro play with past builds there, but when the build with Brigitte is there, I hope there will be at least SOME pick changes, instead of the same mirror matches that are in the OWL now.

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