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PS4 Well now that things have calmed a bit, in looking for a PvP rag server, preferably...


Josh Brinkman

Well now that things have calmed a bit, in looking for a PvP rag server, preferably with premegas in the server, too much stupid in the server I landed in. I am an excellent breeder with excellent fighters with me, only a few of us but I can assure you we would benefit a server. Just looking for a rag server w all the pros to help secure a whole server. I was alpha till the end of legacy and was always good to folks. Simply looking to restart where there is a strong future. Any megas or large groups looking to populate their rag server with good folks pm me.

Ark Lark

Play some private and start out right...why waste your time with official again

Izlude 24/7

Nitrado Good Ping

Ragnarok Server


-XP 2x

-Tame 3x

-Harvest 3x

-Egg Hatch 3x

-Baby Mature 5x

-Dino levels and stats like official

-Player weight slightly boosted

-Event Currency

-Advertizement Currency

-Tribe Imprinting

-Flyers recover stamina when idle


-Admin is not allowed to build anywhere

-Build anywhere just dont block spawns.

-20 Slots at the moment until it overpopulates..then I will keep increasing until 70 slots.


FB Pm me or PSN Pm: Izlude_Server

Josh Brinkman

Never anything but official. If on dedicated you can't trade or interact with the rest of ppl in the game. Player dedicated is a waste of time or place to practice imo.

Ark Lark

no...official is a waste of time with dupers hackers and now chinese and xbox players...atleast I can do.something about u losing ur shit..good luck :)

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