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Well i am planning to upgrade my Ram from hyper x fury 8gb DDR3 799Mhz to 16gb DDR3...


Guru Prashanth

Well i am planning to upgrade my Ram from hyper x fury 8gb DDR3 799Mhz to 16gb DDR3 1866mhz (cause that's the maximum my motherboard supports)
I have a AMD FX-8350 and a GTX 960 2 Gb msi , will i actually notice a difference in gameplay experience , and is there a bottleneck in my setup ?

Heewon Oh

Are you sure you have DDR3 799hz? I think you're using speecy or w.e. the program is -- shows the RAM at half frequency -- you probably have DDR3 1600 RAM installed -- DDR3 1333 was usually the lowest for Desktop RAM speeds.

Heewon Oh

Assuming you have DDR3 1600 RAM already -- there should be virtually 0 performance gain with that setup -- if anything, if you don't have a reasonably large SSD yet, I would tell you to invest in that instead.

Guru Prashanth

I guess I'll check out the box of the ram or see the chipset if any frequency is mentioned

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