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Video: This Fitness Boxing Overview Trailer Is Here To Motivate You


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Knockout your workouts.

If you're trying to improve your fitness in the new year, perhaps
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for the Switch might be worth checking out. It may not offer quite the same level of variety as the
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series, but it can at least provide you with an intense physical workout.

If you have been on the fence about this Imagineer-developed title, Nintendo has now uploaded a brand new overview of the game. Running for a total of 2 minutes and 30 seconds, the clip provides a brief rundown of all the options and workout features within the game. If you do decide to get fit, you'll learn how to master the jab, uppercut, hook and plenty of other moves as you time them to the beat of more than 20 different songs, including the likes of Lady Gaga, LMFAO, and Avril Lavigne (
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). In addition to this, you can customise your trainers and workout or compete against a friend.

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