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Xbox One Update is coming on Monday! Welcome to ArkAtNite 24/7 PvP server! Please be...


Jeff Cisneros

Update is coming on Monday!

Welcome to ArkAtNite 24/7 PvP server! Please be respectful to members and admin(s) and please if you have any comments, questions, concerns, or ideas please share them with us to be considered.

We are currently awaiting the Nov. 6th update in order to restart on a Nitrado rented 32 slot server. Upon opening I will start with these stats and edit to meet the Ragnarok difficulty settings.

STATS: (while on Center were)
Difficulty Level: 1.0
XP Multiplier: 5.0
Taming Speed: 3.5
Harvest Amount: 5.5
Egg Lay Interval: 0.8
Mating Interval: 0.8
Egg Hatch: 8.0
Baby Mature Speed: 5.9

-No starters
-PvPvE (ORP is a possibility depending how aggressively and relentless raiding gets)
-Any tribe found to have built in a glitch spot on the map will have their structures demolished.
-Admin base will of course be off limits as I do not feel I should be allowed to raid you as an admin.
-For now it’ll be 24/7 PvP unless otherwise decided.

*******Start putting GTs, In Game Names and your tribe names below. Anyone on the server without first adding your info will be removed until such time********

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