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There will always be a top picked support the ow community in general will bitch...


Brent Hazelton

There will always be a top picked support the ow community in general will bitch about. Why? One of them will always be dominant. How so? There are 4.5 supports in the game (symms ult is .5, be honest.). Out of the 4 supports, only 2 are effective main healers, and only 1 provides consistant healing out put.

Over half the roster are DPS picks. Maybe if we had a better variety of supports and tanks, it wouldnt be so ridiculous.

Increasing lucios healing radius 5 or 10m would just put him bavk tword the main healer spot, but then your still only really talking about 3 main healers vs the entire roster.

You will always see mercy or ana. Maybe less mercy after this next patch, hopefully a little more ana, but even with the rez nerf, mercy still has more reliable healing across the board, and from diamond on down you'll still see her more often than not until we get more healers that can, you know, heal?

Carlos Rangel

The thing is ana is overshadowed by the mistake-fixer called Rez, ana has to be so much better than her rank to be able to be justified over mercy such as sleeping midair/1,000,000 mph targets and perfect anti heals to mitigate the other team while mercy presses the Rez ability and you’re at an advantage

Daneka Simms

Wouldn't be a problem with me if Mercy wasn't so low-risk high-reward.

Brent Hazelton

Im just bored with having only 2 main healers on the roster. Its stagnant no natter what ana or mercy has as a pick rate

Mike Conrad

If sym is .5 then torb and sombra gotta be at least .25

Ashley Demyan

Sym shouldn’t even be labelled support. Non healing supports don’t work in a game like this, cause heroes from all classes have”supportive” abilities but you don’t see them classed as support.

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