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The rules link in the about section was broken, so here's a repost and a good reminder...


Carli Chebanova

The rules link in the about section was broken, so here's a repost and a good reminder to have a look over them as we have updated a few things.

Unfortunately, if you break any of these rules, you may be removed from the group. We do not ask for a lot, but we set these rules so that the group isn't in complete disarray.

OVERWATCH LEAGUE POSTS: All spoiler posts must be tagged as such and must have the spoiler hidden underneath "See More" . Example:
until necessary.

1) Try to be polite and respectful. Our community is fairly new and doesn't need to become toxic. Discrimination hatred towards certain genders, body types (pertaining to Cosplay), races, and disabilities will NOT be tolerated. Religion and politics posts will be deleted on the spot.

2 a.) Do not advertise anything (Facebook pages, Facebook groups, Twitter links, Tournaments, personal gain posts, TS3/Discord servers, etc.) without the permission of one of the group mods.

2 b.) No permission is needed to post YouTube links, but we ask for you to be descriptive about it, as opposed to dumping your links. Similarly, we allow Facebook page owners to share content from their page once a day, provided they are active in the community. If necessary, threads will be made for everyone to share their social media links. If you want a thread to be made, message one of the mods. Ad revenue links are STRICTLY prohibited. Finally, ALL giveaway posts must be given clearance by an admin.

2 c.) Stream (Twitch) links will only be allowed to be posted if you are a member who has contributed to the group in some meaningful way. Contributions include: participating in events, helping other members out, posting on a regular basis, commenting in threads, helping us grow our social media, joining our Extra Life charity team, and donating to giveaways. There are plenty of other ways to give back to the group, so if you have questions, just ask.

NOTE: If you are found to be dumping your stream in the group, you will be promptly removed.

3) Do not post nudity/porn. In addition, gore/scat posts are forbidden and will result in instant ban.

4) If you see a post that breaks the rules, report it. If there is another group member or admin that is giving you trouble, message one of the group moderators and we will try to solve the problem together. Similarly, we do NOT allow witch-hunt/public call out posts. If you are going to make a post about a toxic member of the community, please blur their name out. Finally, posts bashing other groups will be removed.

5) If you are looking to make a squad or find players mention your region.

6) You may post your plays, but they must be of decent quality. If they are of low quality (as in taken on a cell phone), they will be deleted.

7) We follow BLIZZARD ruling: Posts about selling/trading/gifting accounts are prohibited. Furthermore, posts about boosting will result in a permanent ban. Begging or asking for freebies is strictly prohibited. In addendum, posts about exploiting glitches or using hacks will be removed.

8 ) BLIZZARD discussion posts are primarily for BLIZZARD DISCUSSION. Excessive unrelated content on PUBG discussion posts will result in a warning and, if it continues, a subsequent ban.

9) We are primarily an English speaking group. Thus we ask you to make posts in English or have an English translation.

10) Do not post selfies on the main feed. This includes selfie posts as a means to promote something that is related to BLIZZARD. We have a weekly admin-run Selfie Sunday thread and frequent pet threads. Posts that are not permitted on the main feed also include casual/makeup test cosplay selfies, please save these for the selfie sunday posts.

11) We are not a dating website. Posts made with the intent of looking for potential romantic partners will be removed. The same applies for posts that single out a specific gender to play with.

12) Unrelated posts that are allowed have to be related to gaming. We reserve the right to delete posts that don't contribute to the group.

13) Have fun!


PROTIP 1: If you're going to take a screenshot, use that SPECIAL button on the top row of your keyboard called print screen. If you have difficultly taking pre-game/loading screenshots, use borderless mode. If you still have issues with taking screenshots, download:
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If you have an issue, contact a mod. The list can be found here:
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Tara Marrero


Keegan Kelly


Syrian Skye


John Huk

Check 8)

Ashe Lee

< Friendly Reminder >

John Huk

8 says PUBG

Vasudev Singh Chauhan

Can we find ourselves the player 2 of our lives ?

Christina Frost

Are we allowed to make offtopic posts?

Chris Bayer

what is the minimum time?

Reo Roberts

have to be careful with that advertising rule given one of the mods does post his twitch channel frequently. Honestly seems like a cool dude but you guys will be called out for it.

Nihant Kansara

I'm an active member posted my YT live stream link in the group which was removed by admin

PS:Twitch servers are shit in my region so streaming on YT

Lana Shepard

who uh do we talk to if someone in the group is harassing us outside of the group and we have *no* idea who they are

Jarrett Mccoll Mansfield Robinson

no you

Sam Knight

Or if you want to take a screenshot on a mac Press cmd shift and 3 all together and a full-screen screenshot will be saved to your desktop, alternatively press cmd shift and 4 all together and you will be given a crosshair with which you can outline what you want to screenshot and that will also be saved to the desktop.

Ben Beniaminov

Read the rules, thanks so much for accepting me into the group.

Christal Guerra Mack

Hey I'm a newbie! ^.^ BUMP! I Play on PC.

Elliot Lubet

Hey sorry about that i read alot of different overwatch group rules today hard to keep them straight. So fan art posts arent allowed?

Wandrew Mski

How do you report inappropriate content?

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