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The more we see of X299 and the accompanying Skylake-X and Kaby Lake-X CPUs, the less...


Tyr Chlis

The more we see of X299 and the accompanying Skylake-X and Kaby Lake-X CPUs, the less there is to like about them. At this point, even a Core i7 6900K typically outruns the similar core count and clock speed i7 7820X. This kind of low quality performance from Intel on a new generation has not happened since the Pentium 4 days. As an Intel preferred user, I have to say my 7700K looks like the last chip I will be buying from Intel for awhile unless they pick up the pace a bit.

Ryzen 1700 holds it's own TOTALLY well against the i7 7920X, losing some and winning just as many. Considering the 600 dollar price tag of 7820X versus the 300 dollar Ryzen 1700, AMD is back in the game again! Would be nice to see them actually stay in it this time...

Kirk Martin

So you have forgotten when AMD brought out the first 64-bit processor, then the first Dual core and so on... Intel has never been the first for anything just got lucky the I7 range. I do think AMD will remain a lot stronger this time because the only reason Intel was so strong was due to the dirty tricks they play... Hopefully users will be a bit wiser, however, if you go into a computer shop today, everything is still Intel, most of all its old shit that is already out of date. Ask them about Ryzen and they do not have a clue. Reminds me of the Pentium 4 days...

Thomas Warren

I'm waiting to see what the 1900x can do on the Threadripper platform.

As that's a true comparison to this CPU. As AM4 really isn't an X299 competitor.

I'm expecting to see a jump in games performance from the 1900x purely due to the memory bandwidth. We all know how Ryzen responds to memory now. Doubling the channels has got to help in a noticeable way. I mean we all know the multicore performance is brilliant.

I mean it's essentially an 1800x spec wise. Just with the full feature list of the TR4 platform without costing much more than the 1800x.

Seems like the potential bargain point for the high end user. I was all set to build an AM4 rig. But I'm holding out now for TR4 and the 8 cores on that.

Eko Prasetyo

now you know that intel is able to stay on top only by bribery

Eric Carver

I hope they take this foothold they have this year and run with it. What I would absolutely love to see is AMD run Intel out of business, if the EU lawsuit stands and they have to pay AMD 1.44 Billion dollars, it could boost AMD up to an even higher plateau. But, I would like to see both companies fight as hard as they can for PC users money, Intel has good products, not so much the upcoming generation, but their ridiculous pricing schemes have got to hit the door first and foremost.

David Quinn

Yes it does

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