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The Match making system is flawed and here is why Match making is too inconsistent...

  • Thread starter Derrick Leonard Love
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Derrick Leonard Love

The Match making system is flawed and here is why

Match making is too inconsistent because we are paired up with people based off our SR and NOT Level Experience nd sr nd mmr. To a lot of people that seems normal however it is flawed.

If you are a silver experience player (aka reached level 100 5 times) and you are matched with a teammate who is 0 stars however has the same SR as you the experience between both players are extremely different and the chances of error is high for the lower level compared to the higher level. Therefore the higher level player is more skilled which eliminates the meaning behind SR aka (Skill Rating) both players are NOT the same skill level and should not be in same game together.

What determines skill?

Experience determines consistency
Consistency determines skill
Experience ➡ Consistency ➡ Skill


Think of basketball, for a shooter to be labeled as skilled he must gain experience. Each shot you take and practice adds to your EXPERIENCE. You will never CONSISTENTLY knock down your shots if you dont practice. Throughout time you will be labeled as a SKILLED shooter if you are consistent.


If i am level 509 silver player i should be matched with other players in my range instead of 1 star or no star player. Players in my range have a better skill levels and a higher consistency value compared to no stars. SR doesnt determine skill level , what SR does determine is your Communication Skill which is why the system is flawed.


To increase random teammates production you must match us up by our SR and Experience Level

Gareth Edwards

Level doesn't mean shit. You could be level 1000 and be awful at the game. Am level 409 and i never got to masters or GM. Level doesnt mean shit, if you want a level focus game go play COD

Derick Elkin

it doesnt match ypu based on sr alone. it takes mmr into accpunt too

Hayden Sprague

You're fucking delusional mate

Kevin Goossens

BS, 3530 SR and under level 100.

Colin Marner

More experience does not equal more skill

Sebastien Roy

SR is an infinitely more robust gauge for someone's skill than how many hours they've put into the game. I understand that it sometimes feels flawed and unintuitive (it is in some aspects), but it remains much more credible.

David Goulet

Youre talking like fps is a brand new genre of videogame LOL

Mario Flores

OP, What's ur SR?

Gareth Edwards

You sound like a insta lock dps and never switch to help the team and blame ever one elae

Shay Patterson

You could level a thousand times and still be just as shit as a fresh account bronze. Level does not mean anything lol. If you're not improving win your level then you don't deserve a higher SR. 9 times out of 10, you're where you belong.
Conclusion: Git gud
Solution: Git gud

Mil Smith

High level players may swap to try a new hero they're not as good with

William Knox

If you were actually better wouldn't your SR be higher though?

Craig Roberts

its been over a year since the release of overwatch and hitscan players still cant stop mercy from resing

Bilaal Ijaz

Legel just seriously doesnt = skill. My older brother is level 700 and is a diamond player whilst i am level 500 and im a master/gm player. Sure its annoying having low level team mates but getting out of silver just isnt hard. Ive done it before on a smurf and it was crazy easy

Ashlie Parisi

The ranking system is flawed and here is why

Match making is too inconsistent because we are paired up with people based off our SR and NOT Level Experience. To a lot of people that seems normal however it is flawed.

If you are a silver experience player (aka reached level 100 5 times) and you are matched with a teammate who is 0 stars however has the same SR as you the experience between both players are extremely different and the chances of error is high for the lower level compared to the higher level. Therefore the higher level player is more skilled which eliminates the meaning behind SR aka (Skill Rating) both players are NOT the same skill level and should not be in same game together.

What determines skill?

Experience determines consistency
Consistency determines skill
Experience ➡ Consistency ➡ Skill


Think of basketball, for a shooter to be labeled as skilled he must gain experience. Each shot you take and practice adds to your EXPERIENCE. You will never CONSISTENTLY knock down your shots if you dont practice. Throughout time you will be labeled as a SKILLED shooter if you are consistent.


If i am level 509 silver player i should be matched with other players in my range instead of 1 star or no star player. Players in my range have a better skill levels and a higher consistency value compared to no stars. SR doesnt determine skill level , what SR does determine is your Communication Skill which is why the system is flawed.


To increase random teammates production you must match us up by our SR and Experience Level

William Knox

1. OP made some damn good bait this time
2. Here comes the Copypasta

Daniel Falkiewicz

Lvl 94 3.9k

Quintin Longoria

I'll make a more intellectually productive argument on the topic without flaming you.

Your logic is limited to one conclusion from my perspective. Think of determining skill through a grading rubric. There are numerous qualities that are individually graded, then summed up to a total.

Experience is simply one quality, a huge one that comes with it's own advantages. Those with more experience have alot more prepared plans and can predict enemy intentions. Alot of knowledge comes from trial and error.

But by the same token, experienced players need a certain level of intellectual capacity to identify shortcomings and produce solutions. The reason that there are Level 500 players in Gold is because playing badly 1000 times doesnt make you play any better, you simply become efficient at playing inefficently.

Now imagine if intellectuality and mechanics are two other graded areas also. A smart player with no experience can match or even surpass a lower skill player with more experience. You see it in the IRL workforce with inexperienced Educated People vs Experienced non-educated People

Experience with no intellect is nothing

Intellect is strong, experience sharpens it.

Kylie Pirre

This isn't true at all you get paired up with players who play at the same level as you, it's your elo moreso than your sr
That's why a lot of time people don't want gold border silvers/silver border golds playing dps because you've obviously been playing for a REALLY long time but you still aren't very good

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