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Thanks to all who attended today’s GRAND MEET! We had a great time minus the technical...


Adam Locke

Thanks to all who attended today’s GRAND MEET! We had a great time minus the technical issues but that didn’t stop us from having a fantastic meet! We know it was long and had it’s bumps but all in all I feel we managed to have ourselves a GRAND time!
And to the first place winner of our Silvia’s giveaway-hated4lyfe
To our second place winner of 10 mill-rideordie
To our third place winner of 5 mill-ramsay123111
And for all of the others who attended, make sure you send me that message letting me know so you c an get your 2.5 mill as well. Last but not least. Thanks to Justin Baniulis for putting on ANOTHER top notch meet! As if stated before. Your starting to get infamous with these meets man! To many more! Cheers to all and I hope to catch you again soon!



Justin Baniulis

Its aways pleasure creating these magnificent meets with you ! Adam Locke , its not only me getting infamous, its us together bro !!!!

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