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Switch Stupid question: does anybody know if website called freeredeemcode safe? Sounds like...

  • Thread starter Markas Petrenas
  • Start date

Markas Petrenas

Stupid question: does anybody know if website called freeredeemcode safe? Sounds like a scam but I just want to make sure.

Dominique Ray Buck

If it sounds like a scam, 99.99% of the time it’s exactly that

Jason Smyth-Chandler

There is an app called "AppTrailers" on the Google play store. It's one of those "watch a video, earn points, convert points to a gift card" kind of things. It's the only app I've found that actually works. It's not amazingly fast, but it's reliable.

You can start the videos (I suggest the rapid reviews since they are the shortest), and just let them run. The points earned diminish after a while, but resets again at midnight.

Perk TV is another app by the same company. It's slow, but requires a lot less attention. It runs for longer before asking if you're still watching or finishes.

I use two devices that run app trailers or Perk TV several hours a day, and I get anywhere between $1-$2 a day. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it adds up.

Gregg Cerenzio

If it walks like a duck.....

Seth Johnston

Never heard of it but if it sounds too good to be true, it is

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