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Star citizen? Anybody still play it?


Ronnie Schmidt

Star citizen? Anybody still play it?

Gregory Leung


Adnan Asghar Khokhar

STILL??? most of the people haven't started it yet.

Kyle Rhees

I'm a huge fan

Niko Giannes

Waiting until you can actually buy ships with in game credits. It's so lame that you can't. You'd think that would be the whole point in playing the shit.

Scottie McNichols

"Star Citizen is going to be released this year." said no one ever. Chris Roberts has run the biggest online fraud since No Man's Sky. He got all this money from crowd funding and then just kept spending it and spending it(his own salary included in that spending) on 'improvements' and at this point I don't believe the faithful are still lining up to give him more AND..the game still isn't finished. this point he can either try to sell the game to a bigger studio willing to take him and his inflated salary along with the game(not likely) OR..everyone who gave him so much as a penny, is shit out of luck.

Scottie McNichols

and it's funny how they reversed their refund policy last year by issuing a statement saying that Cloud Imperium Games will no longer be issuing any refunds for Star Citizen. There's a real vote of confidence from the powers of the galaxy! lmao :D

Adam Loveless

I may check it out , as soon as I can get a second joystick , and build a button box of my own .

John Blalock

I wonder if 3.0 will come out this year?? It better be fucking awesomeee

Bryan Smith

I play real games like elite dangerous

Joshua Lee Brummitt

I really want to. Never played it yet but it looks good. Don't like the whole using real money for ships and insurance though. Hope they change that. I've got time I'm waiting until it's finished...

Robert Kenman

You gotta realise, though they are a largely funded company, they are still a new company. To answer your question about spending real money, yes, they will be dumped before release. That is there just to fund development. I also hear that 3.0 may be released in the next month after possible evocati release later this week.

Chris Rambo

Hey Derek is that you?

Dragos Andronic

Is it going to be on Steam?

Chris Rambo


Chris Rambo

People need to realise this is in Alpha. They are letting you play it and they are open with the development. It's been in development for 4 years. Lol how how long did it take to make diablo 3. 11 years. Don't listen to Scottie McNichols all he is doing is filling you with false info. Go watch some twitch streamers. YouTube creators. Ask then questions. Don't listen to a fool

Scottie McNichols

Yea, listen to Chris Rambo and go give your money to Roberts and stare at your expensive ship skin in a hangar, I'll wait until the game is actually released before they get any of my money. Seriously ? I do hope this game gets released someday and it's everything that Chris Roberts promises it's going to be but in my OPINION, things aren't adding up and nothing Cloud Imperium Games is doing is instilling confidence in anyone in the gaming industry aside from people who have already paid money and are hoping they really didn't get ripped off. Again, I hope they didn't get ripped off either. I get no happiness from honest people getting fucked over. Time will tell and we'll see sooner or later what's what. Updates are nice but it's not an actual release for a finished game, no matter how much denial you pile on top of it.

Chris Rambo

The game has been in Dev for 4 years. U do know u can fly ur ship do missions. See things. Fight real people. So all ur saying is u don't play or own this game but u want to tell everyone it's shit. And they are getting ripped off? Yea thought so. You can spend $45 on the basic package. And still do everything. U don't need to put 100's in. And yet it's still more of a game than most out there. And gets better each month. Lol you sir are a baffoon

Scottie McNichols

Why do you care about what I think so much? What you've gotten so far really isn't that much. A fraction of what Eve Online offers for a measly $15. a month and a lot less still than what you can get from Elite Dangerous right now. Good luck. I hope it all works out for you and if it does, I'll be the first to admit I was wrong and buy the game.

Chris Rambo

Because I don't like people like you bad mouthing shit they don't know about. Go back to your eve. And leave the talking about the game to people who actually play it.

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