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Switch Sources seem to lead to a new Smash game. But I’m gonna say this. I’ve always said...


Pheng Michael Lee

Sources seem to lead to a new Smash game. But I’m gonna say this. I’ve always said from the beginning, that Nintendo Wii U felt like a throwaway, a prequel to something bigger. They didn’t market the system well at all, as if they just didn’t care. It was like an experiment that happened to do well. In this case. Feels even more true now. Nintendo has never really done ports. Why now? Two cases in particular, Smash and Mario Tennis. I still strongly believe everything Wii U was just Beta for Nintendo Switch. Mini rant/vent done.

Helio Gabriel Sabatelau Oliveira

"Never done ports"
Apparently you've missed all of the Zelda re-releases up until now, including Link's Awakening DX, Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess HD, the 3DS release of Four Swords...
Among other Nintendo games that did get ported much before the Wii U.
And as a second point, while we don't know about Smash being a new game for sure, Mario Tennis Aces has nothing to do with Ultra Smash.

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