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Solo queued from 2100 to 2700 with a current 65% winrate (so I will end up a lot...


Ryan Weeks

Solo queued from 2100 to 2700 with a current 65% winrate (so I will end up a lot higher than 2700 once I play more games) using basically only Zenyatta and flexing to fill if necesary. I don't claim to be a pro but here are some tips that I think will help out a lot of people as Zen.

1. Always be shooting. Always. If there is no one in view pummel reins shield and just put out pressure. You should never be idling. Getting your ult should be priority one, especially as you get higher and Genjis farm their ults quickly.

2. This sounds simple, but always have your orbs out. Even if no one is taking damage throw the healing orb on a tank. A lot of people say to throw your orb on a flanker, or a squishy, but I find this makes them reckless and more likely to be picked. Obviously there are times to orb them, but if everyone is topped off, a tank is a much better pick. As far as for your discord, my main tip is to not keep juggling it around. Identify the best target CALL IT OUT and try to leave it on them. If you keep swapping it around people are not going to be able to focus and swap with you, especially at lower elos.

3. Periodically check your back. If it seems like you haven't seen the tracer or genji in a while they are probably behind you and waiting for a good time to strike. If you're lucky you will see them and will know their position, or even get a discord on them. Discord is the bane of a flankers existence. Once they are discorded charge up your right click and wait for them to take a corner and boom.

4. Right click. Right click a lot. Charged shot is the highest damage ability in the game if used correctly. With all 5 orbs hitting the exact same spot it is very easy to get "random kills". Aim at people who don't stand behind reins shield, hell even through his shield where most people won't AD spam bc they think they are safe. If rein drops his shield for a firestrike it is an easy pick. So why not just spam left click? Well, if you're going for picks it just isn't as efficient, especially at distance. Say you get lucky and hit two shots in a row before they recede ro cover, all you've done is charge their supports ults. But a charged fire burst is likely to kill them in comparison. I tend to use left click only when I am being attacked and need to put out pressure at a medium distance. There are exceptions but I tend to favor the right click for "poking" fights and up close.

5. If there is no genji, zarya or reaper on the other team be a little more liberal with your ult. A lot of people save their ult until an enemy ult is called out, but this isn't always a good idea. Say you are in the middle of a team fight and you have 3 people in critical health range and they are likely to die. It can be a good usage of your ult to rush in and heal them up. If you announce this to your team they can often apply more pressure and get a pick or two. Even though no enemy ult was negated you still saved 3 teammates and effectively the push or defense has continued.

If you want more tips say so in the comments cause I doubt many will even read to this point lol

Antonio Neto

As a Zen main O agree with most of these but one thing bothers me, the last point - Your ult isnt used only to defend from those there are a ton more ults that get negated from your Tranq and if you dont save em its just as bad some examples I can remember now are Pharah and Soldier with for example an ana that Nanos. Also avoid Dueling Genji, if hes any good and has his dash up there is almost no way you win the 1v1.

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