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So yesterday (as in on Christmas Day) I played with an Hanzo main. Before our match...


Nydara Mcfarland

So yesterday (as in on Christmas Day) I played with an Hanzo main. Before our match started ( as in picking who we wanted to play with) four of my teammates started teasing the Hanzo main ( they were grown men picking on a grown man). We was on attack first. I didn’t turn on my mic because our Hanzo main treated the other teammates and defended his choice in character to play. When we went on defense (he picked Hanzo again) it got worse and it triggered me. It reminded me of when I got picked on for picking my main Lucio when my team asked for another healer. So I turned on my mic and said “ I hope you get POTG Hanzo and I’m dead a** serious”. After that they tried to tease me for saying something and tell me to calm down. But I wasn’t having it and told them I was calm. I was rooting for my teammate to get POTG to shut up my other teammates. Me personally I love playing with Hanzo and Widowmaker mains and I said that in the group chat too. That recon arrow and poison trap comes in handy. And when he got POTG I was all in the mic like “That’s what the F I’m talking about Hanzo!!! Shut them up Hanzo!!! After the match I messaged him saying I had his back 100% and good job.

Please remember just because you might not be a good Hanzo or Widowmaker that don’t mean your teammate who pick him/her isn’t. Give them a chance before you start complaining or making fun of them. At the end of the day it’s just a game and we all should play it to have fun. No matter what mode we choose to play.

John Flanagan

Reeeeeeee people are mean on the Internet

Kevin Kusanagi

No fuck fun, comp is for people playing to win whether you like it or not. Want to play for fun n fuck around? Play qp, just like you want to respect others for their choices respect folks for wanting to play the mode the way it's suppose to be played which is serious. If you're doing trash as hanzo/widow or you're just a trash sniper overall then you should switch period. Before anyone tries to say "Omfg HiIs TuXiiC" I don't even be on on the Mic nor do I flame people for their picks but there comes a time when you do have to switch.

Bilaal Ijaz

A hanzo main*

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