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So who actually prefers to solo queue and why? I only prefer it because when I duo,...


Vynyl Shiro

So who actually prefers to solo queue and why? I only prefer it because when I duo, tri or quad, the randoms always stay in their own team chat and either throw or just do their own thing and just be ult batteries for the enemy. 5 or 6-stacking isn't bad but it does make the game a hell of a lot harder due to how common Master/Grandmaster smurfs are boosting their Plat buddies. High gold is tough. .-.

April Christine Thompson

Because all my friends are better and in higher ranks and I Dont wanna be carried, and have my sr drop again when I try for myself

Emma Rebecca

I prefer to solo queue because I don't have any friends irl who play Overwatch, I am ridiculously socially awkward so the idea of playing with randoms just makes me nervous, and also I tend not to be consistent with when I play OW as I don't have time that often so it would be difficult for me to make a group

Luis Miguel Roman

I prefer to solo q because basically i do better than grouping with other ppl... plus I don't want earn my rank because of being carried... and I also want to prove a point: this game won't let you rank up once u r doing pretty good... once that happens matchmaking starts to do its thing and match u with horrible ppl...

Emi Mae

I solo queue quite a bit. I climbed from mid bronze to high silver all by myself
(hard stuck because of my first season lmao)

William Bongos

I'd rather play with my irl friend ,but unfortunatly , i'm too high Ranking so...

Ryan Whitted

Idc if I solo queue or if I group up. I don't always have a lot of time to play so I don't have standards on who I play with or when I play

Drew Franko

It is due to fair play matchmaking.. the game assumes now that you are in a six stack you are magically better than everyone. So for example you are low mid gold it will match you against solo queuers that low to mid plat with golds sprinkled in.. .not only that you receive a lower sr gain for a win and higher sr loss when you lose.... It is actually the last thing needed to change for competitive overwatch to not feel like qp 2/3rd of the time

Joop Jones

I prefer solo que ma8nly because I don't want to get stuck with people I'm not compatible with. I will team up with people I meet if we do well

Diamond Hope Zeiger

I only solo que
It’s more relaxed for me

Aadil Saqib

Solo. Cause I know that if I achieve a rank, it was all me. I had no help and I can definitely do it again since I did it once all by myself.

Logan Smith

Shorter queue times, and i usually end up with more freedom on choosing roles. Sucks getting into a group and no one wants to switch it up - especially when it's needed.

Rizky Ilyas

Solo because we are all born alone and we all die alone

Michael Diroff

It's not something I do all of the time, but when I do, it's often because I queued with others in my most recent matches and that ended up not working, so I decide to see how much better I can do on my own. Plus, winning when solo queing comes with a sense of satisfaction that surpasses winning when queueing with others.

Raimone Gresham

I prefer solo up to trio queue. It’s a lot easier managing just myself or only two other personalities at most.

Danielle Guillard

I always solo queue but not because of not being able to concentrate on a group, but because it allows me to try different groups. If I only play with the same people and then one day there's a change I will have issues adapting myself to the situation, so solo queue helps me with it

Mihnea Gogu

grouping is bad after a while since you don't all improve at the same pace. Soloq is the most accurate representation of your skill and is the easiest way to climb

Abhishek Kumar

Because anxiety of letting people down. In solo play, I don't have to worry about anybody lol

Hiten Kadam

I play in Asia Server and when Solo q 80% Of the time I get Matched with Koreans, Japanese , Chinese players who sometimes don’t communicate in english so that’s why I have to play in a stack . Fortunately i’ve found some amazing players and we’ve formed a team and we play regularly together in 4 - 6 stack . Even though we get less Sr we are climbing slowly and steadily everyday . Afterall it’s a Team game

Jason Finkbeiner

I solo queue because I don't have people to play with, plus I listen to music while I play :)

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