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So I've seen people telling mercymains to stop maining mercy. Like why? I don't main...


Wilma Englöf

So I've seen people telling mercymains to stop maining mercy. Like why? I don't main mercy but I do appreciate a nice mercy too. So why not just gather some tips here for people who want to learn mercy in a more efficent way? And also for newer players. It could also serve as a thread for countering mercy more efficently. So I'll start with some tips even though I barely play mercy anymore. (I did make a mercy only account to see if it was impossible to solo my way up as far as I could)

You can play mercy in any rank if you have map awareness, know who and when to damageboost, using your shift all the time.

Change your settings so you don't have to hold in the mouse/controller button. Change so your guardian angel does not prefer your beam target (it's up to you but I prefer this and it helps me keep my mobility up insanely those few times I actually pick mercy).

Fly in between your teammates and whenever you reach your target, jump. It will give you even more mobility, sending you even further.

Having a pharah in your team does not mean you have to pocket her. But it will give you more mobility and will give you a quick exit from danger.

If you find mercy fun, main her. Just find an efficent AND fun way to do it.

You can also keep yourself positioned in such way so that nobody can flank you from behind or from your sides. It will help greatly.

Using her ult before a team fight can help winning that fight. Either by damageboosting or keeping your team alive. Use your guardian angel as her flying speed got nerfed. If you're doing this, communicate it to your team so that it does not go to waste.

Her pistol does alot of damage but it's projectile. Meaning it could be a bit harder to aim with it. If you find yourself stuck and about do die, look for someone so that you can get to somewhere safe.

If the above is not an option, take that gun out and shoot everything. It will give you a considerable amount of ult charge and it may even save you. I would advice you not to use it when there are people close to you who does damage more efficient than you but harassing a widow could save your life aswell as others.

You're not helpless, you are using the support with the highest mobility except for lucio I guess (even exceeding lucio at times considering you can be anywhere as long as someone is there) so stop crying for the tanks to protect you EVERY game. If this occurs, you're probably at fault here. Position yourself better instead.

Lucas Conrad

is this copy paste or do you just have too much freetime?

Chin Hsien Tan

is this copy paste or do you just have too much freetime?

Alaa Yassine

But you could be doing much more entertaining things on the weekend

Aadil Saqib

I mostly say that to low rank players. Like the last thing you need is to consistently play the least mechanically skill based hero in bronze. It's near impossible to carry with her in low tiers. She's too dependent on the team ever since the nerf. Don't get me wrong. The nerf was fucking needed. But it made it so that she cant make carrying plays as she once could. So if you're really low, you're better off playing dps, tank or a more DPS oriented healer. Just so you have a stronger individual impact while also having the chance to polish mechanical fundamentals... Like aim.

Yvanne Marcellana

Almira Liao

Matt Arnson

The problem with maining Mercy, or any hero for that matter, is that eventually you'll run into another player who only plays that hero. Even if you're the best in the world, you now have a situation where you're technically down a player because one of you will have to play something you're unfamiliar with.

I've seen players leave games because they simply refuse to play anything else, or they'll stay and throw the game. Granted, I see this happen far more often with DPS heroes, perhaps because support mains tend to be more team oriented, but I've also been in plenty of games with two 100+ hour Mercy mains with just minutes on their next most-played.

If you like playing Mercy, by all means continue to do so, but you'll find more consistent wins by branching out and learning the other roles well enough to stay at your MMR.

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