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So I've been playing blizzard world all day learning the map with my mains junkyboi...


Tasha Skiles

So I've been playing blizzard world all day learning the map with my mains junkyboi and Moira.... First thing I've noticed and most I've seen haven't taken full advantage of yet, blizz world be a damn flanker paradise. I dont think there is one true definitive choke point in he whole map which will force people to be more aware of their back lines. Second is that junkrat is byond incredible on the map if you have decent game sense. Lots of levels to bounce between with quick outs and plenty of places to hide to pop that tire. Moira takes some awesome map awareness to be able to be viable just like any map with cliff edges to fall into the abyss bouncy balls can fly off map before they've done they're job, and lots of smooth curves in half the push can make getting that bounce right a pain, also with so many avenues of escape and off rooms ulting must absolutely be timed correctly or it's wasted because your enemy is just going to zoom off into a safe room pop up behind you and blow you away(numbani but so much worse). This map is gigantic and so much fun I can't wait to see it in regular rotation. Let me know what you guys think so far.

John Calderon

The map itself is huge but the route feels super short to me.

Jessica Aldrich

My favorite new place to stand and lob grenades is the starcraft tank <3 I had a game earlier where I stood up there at the very top and picked people off and nooooobody looked up. There is SO much high ground on this map it's great.

Connor Glasby

I think we all saw that... It's teaching people to adapt and learn. Blizzard world is awesome.

ED Cajilig

You what i noticed,freaking tracer mains taking advantage of the second spawn area for attackers

Theo van Booma

Their maps are getting prettier but are slowly getting worse to play. Started with Luna colony. That's just my opinion

Yoshi Huo

I love sombra, doom and dva on that Map and those are My current mains and I've got the map memorized already after about 9 games on it
Once it goes into comp ez wins

Tempest Rogers

It's defense heavy on the first point and last point. But on attack it's difficult sometimes

Alexis Snow

Who wants to flank when you can just go round and round on the birdycoaster all game???

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