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So in regards to Kb/M on console... 1. It's not bannable, they can't actively detect...


Salem Dickenballz

So in regards to Kb/M on console...

1. It's not bannable, they can't actively detect it.
2. It's frowned upon.
3. Blizzard have stated they can't police it and have asked Sony/Microsoft to either make it openly available for all players or to block compatibility with conversion devices.

Here's the thing.

Looks like it's openly available to the developers and the people you should be mad at is actually Blizzard for not putting it in.

Fortnite has native kb/m support on console...

What's Blizzard's excuse.

I can see this post going to hell real quick, so I'm going to leave this here and step out.

Flame away.

Chris Gouw

lol you have an opinion, want to share it, and you're clearly afraid of people saying your opinion is wrong? probably should've thought about it a bit harder, ask yourself maybe why people are against it? before trying to provoke people and then running away

Saz Hopwood

You need to understand that a converter for console so you can use keyboard and mouse ain’t cheap, which has 0 to do with Blizzard and everything to do with Sony/Microsoft

Gildardo Navarro Jimenez

people hate it because they can't get good, if you consider yourself a good player, outskill them. It's that simple. i seen people win against players with aimbot!!!

Salem Dickenballz

I understand the advantages of Kb/m and game balancing issues.

But Blizzard passing it off and saying it's up to Microsoft and Sony to make it openly available is simply false.

If Fortnite can make it native and supported, Blizzard can too.

The thing that is annoying and insulting is instead of saying "No we won't use it because of balancing" they're passing the blame to console manufacturers when the tech is already available to them.

Toby Christopher Smith

The reason why the do this is simple. They don't care. Theyre focused on PC and OWL.

Noman Saleem

Most of those who play on consoles don't wanna use Kb/m and it includes me. I don't even use it in Fortnite cause I like to sit back and relax while playing. If it was as easy as Fortnite then those who don't wanna use mouse are at very big disadvantage cause currently only the tryhards buy adaptors to use mouse and kb

Tina Kylie Freeman

As long as pharmercy is spamming the fun out of the Game and try to wreck my team, I will snipe the shit outta that bitch! I dont care if you hate me. Nerf Pharmercy and i wont play mkb anymore!

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