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Xbox One So i have a server that has been active for almost 2 years, the settings, maps and...

  • Thread starter David Jay Vandewater
  • Start date

David Jay Vandewater

So i have a server that has been active for almost 2 years, the settings, maps and rules have changed, people have come and gone, but i notice that people saw they want extremely boosted server. So give them one, only problem is two weeks later a Troll comes in geinds for an hr then wipes the server. So people leave or complain. Reduce it so trolls cant do this, and people dont want to grind so they leave. So with that in mind i gave everyone admin. They liked it for a week. The server is up 24/7 if it dashboards, crashes, or updates its back up ASAP. I have the best internet available in my area, a backup battery for server (if power failure). Sorry for the run on sentences. Lol

So My question is how would you run a server?

Emma N James

The second way you were doing it seems best it gets a little boring when the stats are super high and as you've said that welcomes trolls. Grinding can be fun if its not official lol. If people dont want to grind and want it easy leave them to sp.
The best thing on stats is the babies and taming speeds. But this is just me

David Jay Vandewater

Taming, breeding, and mature are x10, stats are default except wieght x100, xp multiple x6 on special, crafting, and killing, harvest is x5 but with dinos its x10

Jacob Choate

I pm you was to long to comment an didnt want rude comments

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