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PC SO I guess its time for my complaining moment, more of a rant. And I think I am going...


Sheila D Snead

SO I guess its time for my complaining moment, more of a rant. And I think I am going to send it directly to Bungie once I press enter . Having Great grandparents on my side, and Grandparents on my Hubbies side who this would directly affect I think it may make me a little more sensitive to the issue. But while playing on IO I decided to do some of the old missions and realized while playing The Mission "Arecibo", that Bungie has alienated a entire demographic of peoples. **The deaf and hearing impaired**. Mostly the deaf I would think, but either or actually. It wouldn't be entirely so bad as the game does have subtitles, map icons and hints to follow through almost the entire game. Except this particular level. There is no "dummy marker" telling you where to go once you get to a particular part. you literally have to follow the sound of the music. I've left the level and returned just in case it was a loading issue, and its the same . This is just not fair in my opinion.

Robert Ivan

What about people that are blind how can they enjoy the game at all...not fair

Dalton Netto

Most games don't even have any sort of assistance for the deaf, take god of war or tomb raider for example, depending solely on audio cues adds to the puzzle experience, so take what you can get I guess .-.

Ryan Kasper

There's no perfect game fyi... I'm sure deaf ppl have come across far more challenging issues then completing a quest. Beside I'm sure you've heard of the deaf clan downing the lev. Raid.

Kiyoko Mori

I completed that mission with my music completely turned off. It was probably harder than it should of been, but I didn't find it especially hard.

Sheila D Snead

I totally see its doable Kiyoko Mori and like you said way harder. And I can agree that for people without a disability, like deafness it actually makes the game a little more fun and I guess that's why they did it. Maybe they could in future updates, in the settings/accessibility section make it so a person who is deaf or hearing impaired would have added content by selecting it. They already accommodate color blindness so why not deafness?

Sheila D Snead

Well since I can't at this time find a direct access to them, I posted in their feedback forum. Better chances of them seeing it there than here

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John Hwe

I played with a color blind guy on Argos. He couldn't tell what color to call out. Don't think he cared as he was making us all laugh and drinking his beers

Alex Elward


David Romola

Get gud

Karl Weinger

Jesus Christ....cry me a river.

Sheila D Snead

I am so shocked at how many insensitive people there are commenting . I guess unless it affects you or the people you care about it doesn't matter. ohh well I said my piece and got it out of my system :)

Vínicius Trejo Moreira

i think that mission is not for turd people

Bernard Straatman

I only have thumbs so using the mouse is very challenging for me

Fang Vang

This mission sucked tbh

William Timineri

Maybe one thing deaf people can rely on in this game especially in a PVE content mission is the help of friends that are able to hear it, they can point them in the right direction.

But I agree it’s unideal in a single player sense for the hearing impaired.

A lot of content in Destiny one had Auditory cues for example almost every single thing that was going on during the Oryx fight had its own audio cue.

You would know how fast everyone would complete their part via sound, you didn’t have to look.

Jason Pullen

This is a audio/visual medium. Bungie isn’t alienating anyone. The medium itself is not for them

Roberto Naldi

Humans... ugh...

Ricardo Samsó Manríquez

Until Bungie don't solve that, you can speak in game with other players for help

Michał Skotnicki

You don't have to be deaf to get stuck in the Arecibo mission.
There's one music box in the Terrabase Charon that you can't find because level geometry is fucked up and the cave it's in is placed in such a way you can see it from only one spot at a very narrow angle.

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